Chapter 6- Or just gay

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Kenny left the bathroom, leaving Craig starstruck and bombarded with thoughts. What did he mean by that? Why did his mood change within seconds? What happened? These thoughts crowded Craig's head when a light bulb lit up and sliced through these invasions.

He had burnt himself with the cigarette.
He scarred himself, physically. What the fuck?
Craig's expression looked as if only he had saw God himself, his mouth open, ready to catch a fly. His eyebrows raised higher then the volume at a Queen concert, and his head? No thoughts what-so-ever.

He remained thoughtless, confused as of what was happening, wether this was real life or if he was dreaming. Kenny McCormick, the biggest whore of Southpark? He would never have thought such a thing.

Craig closed his mouth, furrowed his eyebrows and walked out the bathroom like nothing had happened. Although, it may seem like he acted as if nothing had happened, inside of his head was a mess. He was tracking down all of the possibilities on why Kenny would do this, making a mental note around that lightbulb.

He was tracing what had been said and done by Kenny that he knew of and if he had given Craig any clues so he could tell him, without telling him.

Where did the kid even go? Out of all of his thoughts, that was the loudest. It may seem dumb or stupid to be thinking about where he was when he could be dealing with something challenging, but he wasn't wrong and it was quite smart to think of.

I mean, where actually had he gone? It was as if he had walked out of the bathroom and ended in a whole new realm, like a portal or something. Strange, he thought.

The bell rang, hinting that lunch was over. You could practically hear like ultrasound the moans and groans of people once the bell rang. It was like a wave in the ocean, crashing into your ears. A sea of people flooding the corridors heading to class.

Craig continued and walked to class, trying so very hard to drown out the thought of Kenny. After all, he was with his ex boyfriend next lesson, Tweak Tweek, who had clearly not gotten over him. In fact, he acted as if they were still together. Which Craig made clear they weren't.

Sometimes (every time),when Kenny would see Craig and Tweak together, he would get jealous because they would always hang out with eachother but, lately as Craig has been hanging out with Kenny, he seems not to be jealous anymore.

He knew Craig was gay, he wasn't openly gay but he wasn't ashamed or closeted. He was just gay, so Kenny knew he could have a shot. Wether it was a chance or a risk, we would take it.

Kenny might not want to admit it, but it's true. Everyone knows it's true, Kenny McCormick is a bottom. When he would have sexual contact with girls, they knew he wasn't for them, because he was a bottom. It was obvious. Some people, like Craig, would be able to tell without being in bed with him, impressive.

Or just gay.

Okay, so I know I've been gone for a bit and I'm sorry! I really am, I just have homework and stuff (I don't really I just forgot) so it's been hard. Anyway, not a really long chapter but it is 11:25pm and it's my last day of school tomorrow so I have to look my best! Bye guys!

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