02 - You Didn't Think...

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Hey y'all I decided to post it, even though only like 2 people voted 😅😅 Like I said I have no self control. Chapter 3 will not come before Saturday though, sorry


SONG – Don't Get Me Wrong by Pretenders

Spotify –  https://open.spotify.com/track/0ll47sukICcHxZMbLnUbR2?si=06433d9ec5534176

Sunday August 31 1986,      10:15 pm

Nancy's POV

After we said bye to Steve, Robin brought me back inside Family Video. She's actually really nice and I'm kinda glad I met her. I don't know why but for some reason I always thought that she was really weird and wouldn't be chill. But I guess she could say the same thing about me, I mean, I dated Steve Harrington. Not my proudest moment.


"Hey Nance, why are you here, what's up?", Steve said as he came out from the back. I was already barely holding it in but after seeing him all the memories came flooding back. I ran out, but he stopped me in the parking lot and sat me down on a parking block. "He...", I could barely get it out, "He broke up with me. Johnathan broke up with me. He said that he couldn't love me anymore, couldn't be with me anymore."

"Shit Nance, I'm sorry,", he said, and he just held me. Let me get all my tears out.

End of Flashback

"Nance, Nancy? You there?", Robin interrupted my thoughts. "Yeah, yeah sorry, just thinking" 'Uhm, cool, I guess,", great Nancy, now she thinks you're weird. "I can help close up you know, least I could do since I was the one keeping you one here late,", I offered hoping to make things a little bit less awkward

Robin's POV

After Nancy offered to help clean up, which only took us 10 minutes, I offered to walk her home. Thankfully it was only about 2 miles away and in the same direction as mine, or I would've passed out before I even got halfway to my house. Since I was on my bike, but she was walking I told her I'd walk and push it, even though she insisted I just go ahead and leave her. But how was I just supposed to leave a pretty girl like her alone?

We'd only been walking for a few minute but I could sense the tension between us, I don't know why though. It's not like either of us are dating Steve so we can't be jealous of one another. Shoot! What if she thinks that because I hang around Steve so much, I like him, or we're dating?

"You and Steve look good together,", I heard her say, breaking the silence. I burst out into laughter until I realize that she was being completely serious. "You didn't...You didn't think we were together, right?", I can barely even get the sentence out without laughing. She just nodded her head and made a weak mhm noise. "No, seriously, I don't even like him, or guys at all", that last part I whispered under my breath, "We're just really close because we've worked together, at Scoops Ahoy and here. Nope, we are Platonic with a capital P!"

"Yeah, I got it,", she said," Platonic with a capital P,", the only thing is, I can't tell if she really does 'got it'.

"Well, since school starts tomorrow, we could compare schedules or something. I got mine in the mail last week, I mean we have nothing better to do.", I offered hoping to change the subject. "Sure,", she got a small piece of paper from the pocket of her pants, "Here's mine"

(I made them have the same classes every day and 7 blocks instead of A-day B-day bc I'm lazy lol)

Wheeler, Nancy Gender - F Grade 11 Birthday – Nov 1967

Homeroom Homeroom Mrs. Miller Room: 16

Block One World History Mr. Cavil Room: 08

Block Two Algebra II Ms. Dilrij Room: 21

Block Three Advanced English            Mr. Whickley Room: 13

Block Four Chemistry Ms. Davis Room: 04

Lunch N/A N/A Cafeteria

Block Five Dance Ms. Saint-Amour Dance Studio

Block Six Spanish Sra. Rodriguez Room: 23

Block Seven Home Ec Mrs. Miller Room: 16

"Cool, this one's mine,", I said as I took out the piece of paper that I forgot I had in my jeans pocket.

Buckley, Robin                Gender - F Grade 11 Birthday – Mar 1968

Homeroom Homeroom Mr. Jones Room: 34

Block One World History Mr. Cavil Room: 08

Block Two Home Ec Mrs. Miller Room: 16

Block Three Art II Ms. Walker-Lewis Art Studio

Block Four English 11 Mrs. Katfur Room: 12

Lunch N/A N/A Cafeteria

Block Five Algebra II Ms.Dilrij Room: 21

Block Six Chemistry Ms. Davis Room: 04

Block Seven Spanish Sra. Rodriguez Room: 23

"Look we have World History and lunch together,", Nance pointed out. "Nice, I've heard rumors of Mr. Cavil's history class, I'm glad I won't have to attend it alone." "Yeah, me too,", she said as she stopped in front of, what I'm assuming, is her house.

"Well, umm, this one's mine. I better go, I was supposed to be home," she glanced at her watch, "Shit! 30 minutes ago, sorry I have to rush up. It was nice to meet you, Robin. Ugh, I guess I'll see you tomorrow?"  "Yeah tomorrow. Yay, school," I said sarcastically. I thought I saw her blush as she walked up, but it must've been the lighting. We gave one last weak wave and smiled as she walked into her home.


Word Count: 855

So, what did you guys think of Chapter 2? This one was fun for me to write because I got to do both of their perspectives. I'll try to switch among their POV's along with other characters when it comes around to it. Though I am going to try not to do every other chapter and just try and see whose perspective would be more interesting in the moment. Maybe I could do a couple where it is the same chapter just a different character seeing what is happening. (Let me know if you'd like that)

Also, I'm sorry for the confusing scheduling it looks way different on the document I had originally written on.

Echo, singing off

PS sorry if that was cringy lmao

[PAUSED]Maybe, Probably   (Nancy Wheeler x Robin Buckley) ONGOING Where stories live. Discover now