01 - The Breakup

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SONG – Walk This Way by Run D.M.C and Aerosmith

Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/album/7AFsTiojVaB2I58oZ1tMRg?highlight=spotify:track:6qUEOWqOzu1rLPUPQ1ECpx

Sunday, August 31, 1986,      9:30 pm

Robin's POV

I was sitting at the counter of Family Video, checking in movies, while Steve, my coworker and best friend, was finishing stacking the weekend's movies in the back. Then I heard someone walk in, surprised since it was a Sunday night, not to mention the first day of school tomorrow. 'Hey, welcome to Family Video!", I said to the customer as I turned from the computer. "Umm, hi," it was Nancy Wheeler, Steve's ex but turned friend, and the Miss Perfect of Hawkins High.

'Oh, hi, are you ok? Do you need Steve? I doubt you'd need a movie the night before school,", I asked her. "I'm fine, and yeah, that'd be great sorry to interrupt right before closing.", she said a little gloomy.  "Oh, it's fine, like a graveyard in here anyway,", I heard her chuckle as I walked back to get Steve.

'Hey dingus, Wheeler is here to....what are you doing you're supposed to be putting these movies away not taking more out!", he was trying to make a tower with what looked like over 100 movies. Now I'm going to be the one stuck cleaning them all up. "Sorry Rob, I got bo-", I interrupted him to say "Well you can be bored without making a mess of the place. Nancy Wheeler is up there looking for you. She looked pretty upset."  "Yeah, yeah, I'll go check on her,", poor dude still got thing for her.

It's too bad that she's in a relationship with that-what's his name? Jack, Johnny? No! Johnathan – Johnathan guy. She's really pretty though, she could get any guy that she wants. I'm surprised that she even went out with Steve's hair-obsessed self in the first place. He probably spent more time fixing his hair in the mirror than he did paying attention to her. He says he's gotta keep it perfect, says the ladies 'dig it' - ha doubt that-

I spent the next 30 minutes or so cleaning up and organizing the last of the movies when I realized how silent it was up front. I went up to the counter and they were both gone—little shit ditched me to close- but then I saw them outside. I was super confused 'cause it was raining out, so I went out to check on them.

"Hey guys, what are you doing out here, it's raining and cold. What's wrong?", they were sitting on one of the parking blocks -aka those cement things in parking spots- and Nancy was curled up into Steve. Ha! Maybe dingus does have a shot after all. Wow she even looks good while crying, oh shit, yeah, she's upset, way to go Robin.

I was Steve whispering something to her and then he said, "Her boyfriend broke up with her, they were doing the long distance thing and he decided that it wasn't going to work out." "Shit, I'm sorry Nance. Well, if he can't put up a couple of months and thousands of miles for you, then maybe he doesn't deserve you. I mean your like beautiful and if he can't see that it's his problem. I bet there are so many people here that want you. People that would be willing to do so much-", I saw Steve give me that look, the one that said I was rambling. "Anyway, the point is that you can and will get over it. I mean you're Hawkin High's it girl. You got this, get back up and throw it in face!"

"Haha, thanks,", she smiled weakly, "It's just that we've been together since sophomore year, I didn't expect him to just drop me, especially not over the phone. I guess I just thought that he'd do it in a more personal way, like writing a letter or actually coming here to say it to my face."

"Sorry ladies, but I got to head home soon, or my mom is going to kill me,", Steve said as we stood up, "Can I trust y'all to close up shop nicely?" "Oh, shut it, you know we are way more trustworthy than you'll ever be.", I said, joking, but he just shrugged and if to say 'fair point' and headed over his car.

And just like that, he left me and Nancy Wheeler alone, marking the first, but definitely not the last, surprising situation Nance and I would find ourselves in.


Word Count : 731

Hey guys, what did you think of that chapter? It was really fun for me to write, but I'm kinda nervous bc this is the first fanfic I've written. Sure, I've read them before, but this is the first time I actually tried to write one. Let me know how it was, DM or message me with any suggestions, comments or concerns lol.

If this chapter gets enough views and votes/comments I might be able to most chapter 2 before next Saturday!

Have a lovely day

~Echo <3

[PAUSED]Maybe, Probably   (Nancy Wheeler x Robin Buckley) ONGOING Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin