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Months had passed, We had gotten married with the invitation of only my siblings, Oliver and some of our friends, well I guess you could say we got eloped because my parents had no idea nor were they invited. And I was now about nine months long, Stephen had been the best throughout the whole time, he did not get upset with my mood swings and he tried to do everything to make sure this whole process went smoothly for me. My siblings were very excited when I told them, so excited they decided to move right next door along with Oliver to "always be around the baby"  as you can expect Stephen and I are overjoyed that we will have my siblings always breathing down our necks with anything that has to do with the baby. My mum still kept contact with me but my father was still being stubborn thinking he's in the right. Stephen who was now my fiancé had seen how bothered I was by this so he'd try to contact Tony daily telling him to rethink his choice and talk to me. He thinks I don't know but I do and it's the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me.

Even after I had our baby boy, Tony was still no contact with us, I started to no care though it hurt to think about. We named the baby Marcus, Marc for short, I was not a big fan of the name but Stephen insisted saying that if he looked like the both of us it would suit him perfectly. Oliver had shown more excitement than my siblings, I was expecting him to be there to calm Harry and Emma but when he saw Marcus he was head over heels for the baby not wanting to let him go at all.

On morning I woke up to a knock on the doorbell, I was expecting Emma at the door since she's here every morning after Stephen leaves for the sanctum especially because she takes care of the baby while I sleep in more. But when I woke up I saw that the baby was not in his crib, I walked out of the room to see Emma asleep on the couch and Marcus asleep in his baby swing. I heard another knock and walked to the door; When I opened the door I came face to face with my dad.

"Hello" I said. "Why are you here because if you are here for anything other than to apologize I already told you that I have made up my decision and I'm" 

"I am sorry, I'm sorry I missed out on so much" He said apologizing. "You and your mother were right I was overreacting and with that I hurt our relationship" he says.

"This doesn't sound like you" I say.

"I had time to think, months eight to nine months specifically." He said.

I sighed realizing this was what I wanted for months but I couldn't bring myself to accept it.

"You wreak of alcohol, go home and come back when you're sober yeah?" I say.

"I'm sorry" he says again.

"I accept your apology now if you want to see the baby ever go home, sober up, wash yourself then come back" I say patting his back as he leaves.

I close the door and take a deep breath. As soon  as I lock the door I get a message from Stephen which was a smiling emoji and  a red heart, I smiled at the message realizing he helped my dad to come over to reconcile. I turn my phone off feeling a dumb wave of victory for not going to my father first. I walk over to the couch and reach over it grabbing a blanket and placing it over Emma. I then walk back to Stephen and my room covering myself in the blankets and falling asleep again. I felt calmer like a weight had been lifted now that my father no longer hated me so it was easier to fall asleep at night now.


A/N: thank you for reading this story, I hope you all enjoyed it I know I enjoyed writing it though I did have a writers block on multiple occasions. If anyone wants to request a character story please feel free to message me, requests are almost always open. One again thank you <3

~ Hasii

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