Ouch (A #justwriteit Short)

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Imagine this: Pain, it rips through your foot. It is a pain like no other. One moment you are walking along happy and the next you are on the floor in extreme pain, asking God, "Why me! Why me this day!" He won't answer you. You know he never does. Every time this happens you think he is on it. Like he constantly makes this happen to you for his enjoyment. Almost as if he sits on top of his big fluffy cloud with a bag of popcorn waiting. Like you would wait for a movie to start. When the punch line comes, BAM, it gets you. You think your guardian angel would at least tap you on the shoulder and say, "Hey, watch it!" But no, you're here now on the floor in pain, wondering why you didn't wear socks.

The pain lingers. You cannot make it go away any faster. Your hands clutch your wounded foot and try to rub away the pain, still no relief.  You cry out for help but no one but your cat hears you. Your cat alone, is your savor. You cringe at the thought. At first he looks to you with that common lack of regard. You're here for him, not the other way around, he understands this. You watch him take his sweet time as he lingers over to you. He stops and sits, staring. He is just a curious as you as to what caused this outburst. He will investigate and then promptly return to sleep.

You're lucky he even has time for this. Never mind that you got up to feed him when this all happened. Cats, ungrateful little jerks. Only a cat can completely surrender over to you and love you unconditionally before turning around and saying, "Hey, fuck you!" You groan and cry out again. This was too much, it always was. You think that you would have learned to prevent these things from happening, they happen so frequently. You mind flashes back to the last time you encountered this pain. You swore to never let it happen again. As you rise to your feet slowly, you know exactly what caused this pain.

Looking to the carpet you find the culprit. Rage engulfs you as you reach down to pick it up. This little thing so small and innocent causing so much pain. Thought grips you as to how it got left out. You look to your cat, who has a surprisingly evil look to him. You look from the object of pain and then back to your cat. His tail twitched in excitement. At that moment you realize that all these events were linked. The object of pain and cats were both related to the Devil, so why would God help you in this case. You sigh in defeat and head to the kitchen, your cat quickly at you heals.

Glancing at the clock, you notice the time. 05:30. your cat chirps at your feet. It was past his regular breakfast time. You feed the creature and hold the object of pain in your hand. Mystery clouds your thoughts as too how this object found its way to the center of your floor. The past floods your memories, like a movie montage, badly cut together. Every memory of pain, caused by the same object, at the same time. Your thoughts pause as you turn back to your cat. The Devil played a cruel trick on you.

He placed a cat in your home with the appetite of an army, with a call time of 05:00.  Miss the call time, receive your punishment. Your cat looks to you satisfied with his meal. He saunters past, like the royalty he is. He places himself on the window ledge and promptly falls back to sleep. Your cat, your feline companion, was smarter than you thought. He knew how to get back at you. He knew where the object of pain was kept. You kick yourself for not realizing earlier, that there would be consequences to your lack of punctuality when it came to the cat.

You sigh to yourself and return to you bed. Picking up your phone you set all your future alarms to 04:50. Heaven forbid you forget to feed the damn cat on time again. You scream into the pillow. The cat was in on it the whole time. Every event of pain, every time, right on time. He must have seen your pain prior to that and knew how to get his pay back. From that day on you swear to yourself, to wear socks to bed, because you never know when the cat wants payback and places that single Lego piece down and waits for the show. 


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2015 ⏰

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Ouch (#Justwriteit #Aprilfools 2015 Short)Where stories live. Discover now