"Get out of here Mark!" Jisoo yelled at him.

"Come on, Rosé! Let's go home now!" Mark yelled at Rosé. Rosé worriedly look at you before he pulled her and gets inside a taxi.

"Yah! What happened?" Jennie asked.

"I'll tell you later inside the van but now please text Rosé and tell her to text you when she gets home so that we'll know she got home safely." You said as you hopped on the van and leave the restaurant. On your way home, you explained to the girls what happened. They were too shocked to hear what Rosé said to you.

"Yah! How did we not noticed that?! We didn't even know that she has feelings for Y/N!" Lisa said.

"Same here. I guess she's really got at hiding her feelings unlike me." You told them.

"Yeah! When you started to like her, you were to obvious about it!" Jennie replied.

"At least now you both know you have feelings for each other." Jisoo said.

"Yes but I don't kmow what will happen between her and Mark."

"Well, you're right." Jennie replied.

After that conversation, you all went silent. You dropped the girls off to their houses. As you arrived your house, you parked the van and went to your bedroom upstairs. After getting a shower, you put on your clothes and you heard your phone ringing. It's Rosé calling.

"Hello, Chae? Did you get home safely? Is everything alright?" You asked her. You heard her giggled because you asked here too many questions. You smiled upon hearing her giggle.

"Yeah. I got home safely. But how are you? Is your face still in pain? I'm really sorry about what Mark did to you." She said. You can hear that she's concerned about you.

"Thank God, Mark took you home safely. And it's okay, Chae. I'm fine. Don't worry about it. Although, I don't know what to explain my Mom about what happened to her daughter/son's precious face. You know how much she adores it." You said. She chuckles from the other line.

"Well, goodluck on that!" She responded still laughing.

"Chae, uhm, I'm sorry about earlier. You know, uhm, about kissing you." She didn't say anything so you speak again.

"I mean, don't get me wrong. I didn't regret kissing you. It's just that I know that what I did was wrong. You know because you have a boyfriend." You said and waited for her response.

"Don't worry about it." She told you.

"So what happened on your way home?" You asked her.

"Well, of course, he got angry at me. I can't blame him. I can understand how he feels and I know what I did was wrong too. I shouldn't have done this to him. I shouldn't have done this to the both of you. I didn't mean to hurt the both of you. I'm so sorry, Y/N." You can hear her crying from the other line. You shushed softly at her trying to comfort her through the phone.

"Shhh. Chae. It's okay. Hmmm? I'll help you fix this, okay? Don't cry now. You're hurting me when you cry."

"Hmmm. Okay. I'll stop now but I'm really sorry."

"I know, Chae. I know. You know I can't stay mad at you, right?" You said to her softly.

"Yeah... Oh. By the way, I threw your cigarettes away. Don't you dare try to buy yourself a new one. I'll seriously not gonna talk to you if I caught you again." She said in a serious tone.

"Okay, Chae, okay. I won't do it again. I promise. But please don't tell the girls about it. I don't want my ears to bleed from their scolding. I already have enough from you." You told her jokingly.

"Y/N!" She shouted.

"Bye, Chae! Goodnight!" You said quickly before she scold you again and hang up the call.

Before you put your phone down to your bedside table. You message her.

After that, you finally went to sleep

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

After that, you finally went to sleep.



🤟 means something in sign language. In case you don't get that one. 😅

Loved You First | Rosé x Reader [SLOW UPDATE]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin