Patient AU- Pacient Sun x Pacient Moon Part 2

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Sun's pov:

She wasn't kidding.... Dr. Vanessa left me tied till the next morning... Waking me up with a clearly upset look,"Get up Sun. You're gonna miss breakfast."

I nod with a whimper, the doctor unlocking my restraints. I whimpered and followed her to where I thought was going to be the cafeteria but we head to a different room. I was debating asking of this new direction but yelp as she shoved me into a room.

I got up, looking to her as she spoke, "You will NOT be eating anywhere near Moon. He may be your friend but you will eat alone today. And likely the rest of the week. Enjoy the new room."

I whimpered in fear and yelped when she slammed the door shut, I could faintly hear her walking away. Oh god... I'm n-not used to b-being alone like this... O-or treated that way... I look around the room with soft whimpers, seeing a table and chair that had breakfast and several of the mood sheets we were forced to do threw the week.

W-wait... H-how long will I be l-left in here?... I already spent all night with my hands t-tied! In my panic I tugged at my rays like I always did. I was trying to calm down and went to eat, feeling like I was alone. T-this is going to be a while...

Moon's pov:

I woke up restrained and saw Sun was gone. Sighing I sat on my bed, glaring at the sleeves that were tied together... Another day... Another idiot ruining my happiness.... FUCK THESE DUMB DOCTORS! Man... I didn't think He would risk so much for my freedom... And I couldn't protect him... I sigh and wait to be taken to breakfast.... At least I'll see him there...

A doctor came in after a while, "Hello Moon. You know the usual rules for food?"

I scoffed and went to the stretcher, knowing full well that if I didn't listen they would let me starve. The doctor smiled and tied me down, taking me to the cafeteria. I looked around, not really interested in the food, wanting to know Sun hadn't torn out a ray over yesterday...

That's what was odd though... Sun wasn't in any of the corners where he would usually eat... Nor was he eating at a table... What did they do? Where is he???

Before I could look around more I was put at a table to be fed, the doctor trying to do so, "Ok moon! Let's get you fed-"

I cut him off, still looking for my sunny friend, "Where's Sun?..."

The doctor paused and sighed, "He is going to be transferred in a couple weeks to be looked over better. So they are going to have him eat separately for a while-"

My eyes shot open and I growled my words, "What? Why?"

The doctor seemed shocked by my reaction, "He hasn't improved here so they think he can elsewhere. That. And word went about he unhooked you and you attacked him. You won't have reason to be mad at him-"


Ok. This is making me pissed. He is the only person I DON'T get mad around! And I didn't fucking attack him! Vanessa wasn't letting us be and I just hugged him! A hug! The only kind thing I've ever done to someone here!

The doctor frowns, "Well... I figured you would know the reason behind your actions-"

"I DIDN'T HURT HIM! I WOULDN'T!" ,I glared to him, "That is my FRIEND! I wouldn't even THINK of doing that! He's the only person here that isn't stupid!"

The doctor was surprised by my reaction and seemed to think a moment. I huffed in frustration as other pacients and doctors looked over in confusion or fear from my outburst. The doctor packs up the food and I was confused from him, suspicious of this new reaction. He held the food and took me a separate rout where I could hear... Crying?...

The doctor smiled to me, "That explains a lot about why Sun kept muttering about you... I will let you visit him the rest of the week IF you promise to stay calm. And please stop resisting when we have to go?..."

I was... Shocked... I never interacted with this doctor before... Part of this felt too good to be true! And... Was he going to let me off the stretcher?... He knocked and came in the room, taking me in where I saw sun, in the corner, weeping. Oh Sunny...

The doctor set me up and put the food down, going over and seeming to try comforting Sun, pointing over to me and he looked over, "M-moon?-"

I felt relaxed, glad that they finally had a doctor that wasn't a dumbass for once, "Hey Sun!"

I smiled, eager to be let loose to see Sun. The doctor smiled and took me off the stretcher, "Ok boys. If things go well I'll see if moon can have his arms free next time. That or you'll have to be separated. Ok?"

I nod eagerly, feeling free as this new doctor let me run over to Sun. Sun smiled and had tears in his eyes, "O-ok Mr!"

He sounds so happy... Heh... The only person that doesn't treat me as some monster... Excited to see me... He cuddled me and whimpered, "I was c-confused! But I'm happy you're here now M-moony!"

"I'm glad too..." ,I gave a sad chuckle, knowing the truth of why he got separated...

He smiled as the doctor chuckle, "That's sweet you're both so friendly together! I'll have to get a clipboard and Moon, you still need to eat. I'll help with that when I come back. Don't start trouble now!"

With that he left. Sun gave a slight gasp, "Y-you haven't eaten?"

I shook my head, "Nah.. Not yet anyways... I was worried about you..."

I had a faint blush as he gasped and hugs me tighter, "I-I understand! I thought I'd never see you again! But you gotta eat!"

"My hands are umm... A bit tied up..." ,I chuckled softly.

He giggled, leading me over to the table, where my food had sat, "I'll help you!"

"You don't have to-" ,before I could stop him he was already getting ready to feed me.

"Pretty p-pleeeeaaase? I know you don't like being fed by the doctors so I thought I'd offer!"

I sighed and gave in, figuring at least he wouldn't act like I would bite him if his hand got too close, "Fine... but just because you're my favorite~"

He giggled and fed me soup, the two of us eating. Unaware of the fighting between the doctor letting us be here and Vanessa over whether we should see eachother at all.

Sun X Moon AU OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now