Patient AU- Doctor Sun x Pacient Corrupted Part 2

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Sun's pov:

After I let that one day slide with cuddles, Corrupted always tried to get more. I wouldn't lie. It was rather comfortable and sweet of him.. But... I'm only supposed to be his doctor... And though I would allow the affection he gave... Management wasn't so happy of it...

I was in the boss's office, having gotten fired to be replaced due to "letting him get so attached that he may never improve" as they put it... It was going to be my last day... My last day with the only person I could spend time with in this building without being scolded for poor work... Or without hearing much complaints... He just wanted loved... And I wasn't allowed to give him that...

I sighed as I went to his room, lying to them that I left work there this morning so I could say my goodbyes... They agreed because they hated talking to him... Like they hated me... I was sad... Feeling like I was losing a friend...

I went in the room, and he hugged me like usual but noticed my gloomy mood, "Heya doc!- Why the long face?"

I sighed, looking away, "I came to say goodbye..."

He pouts, "It's kinda early to be heading home! Aren't we gonna play more?-"

"No... Corrupted... Goodbye permanently... I'm fired..."

Saying those words made me close to crying. He paused and held me tighter, "N-no! You can't just leave! You're t-the only one that plays with me! The only one that stays! That makes me f-feel alive!"

I blushed faintly and tears fell down my face, "I would stay if I could... B-but they say you're getting too attached to me... And it won't help you..."

He seemed to grow hostile in habit and puts me on the bed, blocking the door, "No!"

I was shocked since this behavior was unfamiliar to me, "Wha-?"

He glared to me and had tears in his eyes, "I-I don't want ignored again!"

Corrupted's pov:

He can't leave! No! No! No! I won't let them take away my sunshine in this stupid building! He listens to me! He treated me nice! I w-won't go back to darkness!

"I-I don't want ignored again!" ,I huffed in frustration, blocking the door.

He can't leave if he can't get threw the door! He looked to me in shock, having tears of his own, "Corrupted- I w-would stay if I had a choice..! But... But I don't..! I had to lie to even say goodbye..."

I was heartbroken... We spent so long together... Ate together... Talked... Played... And all for nothing?... Because I love him?... Because he was the only human interaction I could have in what felt like forever where I wasn't feared or treated differently?...

It stung... But... Perhaps... There is another solution?... I continue to block the door, "You can't go..! Not after all we've been threw!"

He sighed and went up to me, holding my face in his hands, "You know I want to see you still... That I want is to see you happy and better... But they won't let me... I... I'm sorry..."

"C-can I go with you?... I-I can hide! P-pretty please! I can't be alone again!-" ,I tried to continue but he put a finger to my lips and held me, "If I could do such a thing I would of so long ago... But I can't...."

I whimpered and went limp, my hands loosely holding him. He moved me away from the door and kissed my forehead as I whimpered, "I will always remember you... And hope to see you again some day.... S-some day..."

He left threw the door, turning the lock on the outside as I huffed, looking to the keys in my hand. That would give me my chance to be with him, "I w-won't be alone..."

And I CERTAINLY won't be left here..!

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