9. Idiot sleeps with boss man

Start from the beginning

You were jarred from your thoughts as you felt Chrollo tug on your sleeve. "It's ready now," he says, not letting go.

You noticed he was a lot more touchy than usual.

"Looks comfy," you comment, plopping down with a content sigh and opening up the book to where you last left off.

The raven haired man gently crawled onto the bean bags, hesitantly moving until he cheek rested against your leg.

"Oh," you lift the book up and stare at his hair. You smiled as you noticed the tips of his ears were red.

Deciding not to tease him, you start reading and let your free hand travel to his hair.

His arms curled around your thigh and he nuzzles his cheek into you, closing his eyes and relaxing as he felt your fingers play with his hair.

It didn't take long for him to fall asleep. When you noticed he had fallen asleep, you set the book down and let your mind drift as you gently moved your fingers across his back.

You must have fallen asleep because the next thing you knew you were being shaken awake by your friend who worked here.

She was smirking. "Come on, lover boy. It's closing time. You and your little boy toy have to leave," she winks, standing back up.

You blushed, looking down at chrollo. He had moved in his sleep. The position was quite.. compromising to say the least.

You had slipped down a little in the bean bag, mostly laying on your back now with your shirt hitched up a little. His cheek was nuzzled dangerously low into your stomach, his nose skimming your v-line with each inhale. One hand was gripping your hip, his thumb hooked into a belt loop. His other hand was laying on your stomach, palm caressing your toned abs. Both his legs were wrapped around the leg he had previously been sleeping on.

"R-right! Sorry," you laughed awkwardly, swallowing the lump in your throat.

"It's fine. He can't stay here tonight though. New coworker has a shift in the morning tomorrow. Sorry."

"It's fine.. I'll figure something out."

Both of your freeze as Chrollo lets out a groan.

"I'll take that as my cue to leave," she speed walks away.

You shift as his grip on you tightened. He exhaled as he rubbed his cheek against your stomach, well mostly your hip. Little goosebumps rose on your skin as his warm breath tickled you.

"Hmm... warm," he whispers, rubbing his face again. His bandana comes loose and slips on his nose, waking him up fully.

You grunted as he jolted up, pushing off your stomach quite harshly. The bandana sits on your stomach and you prop yourself up on your elbows, giving him a teasing smirk as you realized he was now straddling your thigh.

"Good evening, sleeping beauty," you say, lifting up your hand and running a finger over the tattoo on his forehead.

His cheeks were tinged pink. "Good evening..." he says, sounding a little out of breath.

"Sleep well?"

He nods, his eyes fluttering closed as your hand slipped down to his cheek. Your thumb rubbed across his cheekbone and his lips parted in a sigh.

As if realizing what was happening, he clears his throat and moves off of you. "Um.. anyway," he looks away, grabbing his bandana and putting it back on.

You cough awkwardly and stand up. "I guess we should be going.."


"Wanna stay over at my place? The more the—"

"No, I'll figure something out," he blurts out. God he couldn't handle being alone with you.. he stopped his thoughts before they strayed any farther.

"Okay well.. if you need me I'll give you my address okay? Stop by any time you need something. Like money or food or anything," you say.

After that more than awkward exchange, you two part ways.

"Jesus Christ what the fuck was that (Y/n)," you whisper to yourself, dragging your hand down your face.

"You two seem awfully close," a soft voice says right next to your ear. A familiar one at that.


My writing is so cringe pls 💀

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