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   Hello beautiful people!! 💕💕💃

It's been awhile I must say, things have been crazy over here it's like one can't just take a break!
So many things to do but so little time to do it. I pray you guys are doing well?
In all things we give glory to the One who have remain Faithful and Constant, to Him alone be all the honour.

We (Yeshua and I) have not forgotten about  this book of randomness. Actually God's got good plans for it.

   Exciting news!!! I'm gonna be interviewing my favourite authors here on wattpad and it's so gonna be fun! Eeeee! Though they will have to give their consent first and I'm hopeful. I'm gonna be posting their works under the interview where you can easily access them! This promises to be fun! 💃💃
  I'm so excited. I've been nursing this idea for a while now but I know God's gonna make it good in His time.
  I've got authors that, if you've not read their books, you've not read anything on wattpad. They're that good!

Though it might probably take a while cause I'm in the middle of something, that despite my reluctance needs my attention.
  That being said, I leave you with this "Mathew chapter 5 verse 3 through to 15"
  It's the chapter that gave me hope that whatever I might be going through, I will surely come out, victorious. This isn't possible without Christ, who is our Victory over that ugly circumstance.
  I must say, often times, it doesn't look like we will ever smile again after a particularly traumatic situation.
  Difficult as it is to trust God sometimes, we really have no other choice than to have faith in Him, that He will do exceedingly, abundantly, more than we can ever hope or imagine. Any other choice you think you have might not end well.

  There was once a time that due to the unsavory happenings in my life, I kept on asking God why? Why will He watch me go through this and not do anything? How can He, knowing how I'm hurting refuse to change my situation? So many questions that wasn't answered immediately, but as time goes on, I came to realize that God truly knows what's best for us, and I couldn't help but with a humble and joyous heart raise my head up and give Him a smile that only He understands.
What am I saying? " Trust in Him" He knows better, He feels our hurts, He even feels it most, He doesn't enjoy seeing our tearful faces turned towards Him. He is loving and compassionate and He will surely give you the desires of your heart according to His will. Amen.
Happy Sunday God's Favourites and have an amazing week ahead.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2022 ⏰

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