The Plan

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Ryders Pov 

I was walking backstage to get to the changing rooms when I was pulled into a dark room. A body pressed against mine and I almost spoke when I realized it wasnt who I thought it was. I couldnt smell Holtons body wash. 


"Guess again" 

"Mason" I spat. 

"Correct. Do you know how good you look? Why would you want Connor or even Holten when you could have me?"

"Your not worth the calories I waste talking to you" (Said originaly by caroline from the vampire diares;D)

"Maybe not and vice versa but you know what was worth the calories fucking Holten into oblivion and hearing him moan my name. You'll never make him feel the way I did" 

I groaned when he punched me in the stomach. He continued to hit me. I snapped and fought back. I couldnt see but I didnt care. I threw punches and as long as they hit that asshole it didnt matter. He was throwing them right back though. The lights flashed on and I saw I was on top of him. I didnt stop hitting him until I was pulled off him. 

I was seeing red and I could honestly say I wanted him dead. 

"Lemme go!" I shouted. 

"Ryder! Calm down!" It was Holten. I releaxed in his arms. 

"What the hell happened?" Connor asked running in.

"He pulled me in here and punched me. I fought back" I hissed.

Mason was still lying on the ground groaning. 

"Well you obviously won" Connor said going to help Mason up. I saw the damage I did once he was standing. His right eye as already swollen and starting to bruise. He nose and lips were bleeding. He spat blood on the ground.

"Just remember what I said kid" He growled before letting Connor lead him out.

"What the fuck happened Ryder?" I turned around in Holtons arms and told him everything. I was honestly feeling insucure. Was I good enough for Holton? 

"Ryder. Please dont listen to him. You make me feel like ive never felt before and not just in bed." I wouldnt meet his gaze and he grabbed my chin and forced me to.

"I wouldnt lie to you" 

"I know" He pressed his lips to mine. 

"You kicked his ass babe" I grinned. 

"How bad do I look?" 

"You have a bruise on your left cheek"

"I'll probably have one on my stomach too" I sighed. 

"Just remember the plan baby" He told me. 

"Are you sure it will work?" 

"Im pretty sure it will. I dated him for along time. I hope I know him as much as I think I do"

"What if it doesnt work?"

"Dont think about that Ry. Come on. Let me take you home. Wheres Hanna?"

"With Daya. Just take me there"

"Or you could stay with me" He pouted. 

I smiled. "You are so adorable. I will stay with you baybee!!" 

I called Daya and told her. 

"You two are pretty close."

"Hes my friend Daya"

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