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Warning: this is a sequel, so if you want to be extremely confused because you haven't read my other book, be my guest, but I suggest you read my Sun and Moon book first. Anyways, I appreciate anyone reading and promise I will try to post new chapters constantly! Also enjoy!

(told in perspective of Andrometa)

"What have I done?" I sat on the ground of the organization I had once been dying to get into. And the one guy I had ever had feelings for had just been slowly dragged away by some strong men, might I mention he was screaming. I didn't know what to do, my eyes were full of tears now and Mrs. Spencer, the head of the Estrellas gently picked me up and led me to one of the tents.

"Betrayal can be... difficult. We've dealt with it multiple times in almost all our candidates, not saying that you are still a candidate of course. You did splendidly. Anyways, why don't we forget that boy and his childish companions, you deserve this, and the only person who should be sad now is that Crustello boy, he's the one who couldn't see it coming." Mrs. Spencer coaxed. I nodded and followed her to a giant purple tent. "Now, Andrometa, since we know for sure, that your loyalties truly lie with us, we can make you an official member of Estrellas and you will be here to watch the correction of this world, for good! I dub you, Agent Nova! Brillante!" She held out a medal and a star pin. Then she looked at me, expectantly.

"Brillante." I crossed my arms in the way I had seen the guards do, and Agent S as she had told me to call her put the medal around my neck and pinned the star pin to my shirt.

"Your finally getting the credit you deserve." she said while putting these things on.

"Yeah..." but is it really worth him? I asked myself. I gave a super fake looking smile then I curtsied, not knowing exactly what to do in this case scenario. Agent S showed me to my tent and I unpacked my things. Then I realized something was in my suitcase, it was Matthews jacket, the one he never took off, the one that he was so attached to. I must've forgotten to give it to him the other night. I guess I better give this back to him. I picked up the jacket and put it aside. Then his words started to sting like a bee stuck inside my head.

"I'm just gonna flat out say it, I love you Andrometa." His words echoed around in my head. He really loved me! And yet I was so stupid to join these Estrellas that he probably now hated my guts.

"Agent S to Agent Nova, repeat come in Agent Nova, copy." I jumped, I turned on my newly issued walkie-talkie.

"This is Agent Nova to Agent S, I copy, what do you need, over." It still feels super weird to be called Agent Nova, especially after being called Andrometa for so long.

"This is Agent S, copy, you have some old friends that need a little lesson in talking, mind if you come and teach them how it's done? Over." The radio continued.

"Not a problem, be right there, over." I quickly grabbed the leather jacket, hoping to give it back to Matthew, maybe at least I could do that one thing right for him. I tied it around my waist and quickly ran to the prisoners tent, the very tent I haven't been able to look away from all day. I walked through the tent flaps and saw all of my old teammates, tied up and beaten. Matthew looked devastated, and the team matched his expression. Suddenly, Matthew noticed I had walked in and he gave a loud scowl.

"I'll leave you guys alone for now, if you get any information from them let me know, also I have a lunch break." Mrs. S pretended to pat me on the back while giving me a stick. "Do your worst." She whispered. Then she smiled and left.

"TRAITOR!" Matthew screamed, his eyes filled with rage. "I HATE YOU!" his words stung, I started to tear up then I wiped my tears away.

"I'm, sorry." I untied his leather jacket from my waiste and handed it to him. I loved you too. I thought as I looked at him. I handed him his jacket and he looked at it thoughtfully.

He looked back up at me, "What did I do wrong?" He asked me.

"Nothing, it was me." I gave him a faint smile and then looked down at my feet, then I started to walk away.

"I wish it could have been different." He called after me.

I opened the tent flap and looked back, "So do I." and with that I walked out.

"SO, HOW' D IT GO?!" Agent S was standing right outside of the tent.

"I thought you were on a lunch-break." I told her sarcastically.

"Lunch-break, casual listen in to my promising new recruit, same difference." She smiled and shrugged.

"What did you hear?" I hope not to much.

"Not much other then Matthew's yelling, soundproof tent and all." She gave me a sideways smile.

"Oh, I'm sorry to disappoint but I'm not the best at these things." I handed her the stick and sighed.

"That bad huh?" Agent S asked.

"It's fine, I'm just gonna get some rest." I started to walk back to my tent.

"Alright, have a good sleep!" Then I went to my tent and fell asleep.

Estrellas: Book 2 Where stories live. Discover now