Red Eyes I

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You fiddled with your hands anxiously as you watched the screen, your co-worker hurrying around some occasionally stopping to take a glance at the mess that was unfolding. Behind you director Fury cursed and shouted at people to continue working but your eyes were fixated on the screen as you watched Captain America and the god of thunder Thor fight of a horde of Ultron bots advancing on them, Iron man zoomed past them and blasted a bot destroying it completely, damn your boss really was a badass.

"Y/N did you hear me? Get your ass back to your monitor!" You hear director Fury yell at you, you grumbled and moved away from the screen, you glanced back and see flashes of red light destroying Ultron bots left and right which you found bizarre considering Stark and Thor's blasts were blue but you brushed it of and went back to your monitor.

*Mini timeskip*

The whole helicarrier was quiet only the sounds of the wiring could be heard, people were bunched together watch as Sokovia fell, thankfully all of the citezens were on the helicarrier but it still felt wrong. All of these people had just lost their homes and you did nothing. Guilt tore at your heart as you watched the whole city blow up, a loud boom was heard from outside of the carrier.

You made your way down to were the Sokoviens were, cries filled your head as you entered to lower base. You and a few of your co-workers handed out food and blankets to them as well as new clothes for the children. You felt as if someone was staring at you but you paid it no attention, probably a Sokavian giving you the stank eye. After giving out all of the supplies your eyes landed on someone in the corner of the large area, you strained your eyes to get a better look.

She was a girl about your age, her hair was light brown hair, she wore a black dress that seemed to reach her mid thigh with black boots and a red leather jacket. Her eyes to far away to distinguish their colour but it looked like they started to glow red as she tilted her head- causing a shiver to climb up your spine -you were about to talk to her but one of your co-workers Jonah came up to you and passed you some more supplies to hand out, you thanked her and turned back to were the girl was standing but she was gone. Your shrugged it if continued your task.

Hello my lovely readers;) Hope you enjoyed the first chapter, yes I know, I know not a lot happened but I promise the next chapter will have more of Wanda babes. Love ya and dont forget to comment and vote, BYE!!

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