"Hey! Be careful," The door was slammed over revealing two sailors, "An orangutan's strength is 5 times that of a human being's! It can easily rip your arms off. Come with us down below, and don't come back up here alone."

"Hey, I heard running water coming from the showers."

"This sure is a weird ship."

"You want a shower," (Y/N) turned to the girl, "You did take an impromptu dip into the ocean earlier. I'll keep watch don't worry."

She nodded, following the sailors to where the showers were, leaving the boy outside the door to make sure no one came in. He stared down the sailors, just so they knew what was up. But before he could say anything, his name was called from the top deck.

"Touch her and I'll fuck you up."

He ran to the surface just as Hierophant emerged from the cracks in the ship, a confused look on Kakyoin's face. The group had gathered outside the control room, clearly none of them had found anything yet.

"I don't understand.. Hierophant Green looked through everything, but couldn't find anything out of the ordinary! Inside all the pipes, cracks, every inch of the ship and still nothing..."

They wearily glanced around, it would be sunset soon and their chances to find the stand user from then on would plummet, they needed to do something, and quickly.

"(Y/N), where's the girl?" Jotaro asked.

"Taking a shower below deck," then he remembered something, "Hey, I think you should see this Jojo."

They walked towards the cabin, "What is it?"

"You know the monkey."


"Same thing," he glared at the taller boy, "Anyway, the orangutan was acting really weird earlier. It had a freshly cu-"

It was gone, the cage was wide open and the lock laying undamaged on the floor. Someone had come in and let that thing out. (Y/N) stood there frozen, the thought of a giant creature capable of ripping someone's arms off just roaming through the ship made him feel sick. And those magazine, who know what it wou-

"Shit, the kid," he ran through into the deck below, straight towards the showers, he needed to make sure she was okay.

However, he first came across a horrid site. The floor of the lower deck was littered in the bodies of the sailors, each gruesomely mangled and ripped apart. Their limbs scattered across the place, far away from the rest of their bodies. He covered his mouth, trying his hardest not to scream, eyes wide as he backed against the wall.

"Stop just runni-" Jotaro froze, he was holding the padlock and started walking to the showers with determination. 

(Y/N) took a deep breath before going after him, hoping the girl was somewhat in a state of dress. But that didn't really matter, not with the orangutan standing right in front of her cubicle. It had already gotten to her.

"Hey!" Jotaro slammed the padlock into it's head, knocking it away from the girl.

"Jojo!" she shouted.

(Y/N) summoned Ace of Gold, a shield putting itself up between the girl and the animal. He turned to Jotaro as the thing started to rise again.

"You're not a normal monkey are you?" 


"So it's you then? Are you the stand user?"

"Wait, can an animal be a stand user?"

Starry, Starry Night (Stardust Crusaders x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now