Jeremiah's lips curved into a soft smile. "We didn't."

Every summer since they were toddlers, Jeremiah and Rose would pick one seashell each to remember that summer when it came to an end. They couldn't remember how it had started at all, really; it was just as though they'd been doing it for their entire lives. And they had. Sometimes they'd paint them, paint over hardships and trials, but equally as often, they'd leave the shells completely blank. Sometimes they were more beautiful like that.

Rose cast her gaze to the ocean; to the smooth, rolling tide coated in a deep azure. "Do you want to remember it?"

Jeremiah looked down; eyebrows knitted together. After a while, he lifted his head, and his eyes met hers.

"I think I do," he admitted. But then, his eyes brightened. "I also want to remember this."

In one swift motion, Jeremiah scooped her up into his arms and dashed into the waves before Rose had a chance to protest. She screamed, "Jeremiah Fisher put me down right now!"

He laughed. "Not a chance."

"I swear to god—"

"Don't take the Lord's name in vain, Rosie," he said seriously, before dropping her into the sea.

Salt water clouded her vision as a deep blue surrounded her, and she shot out of the water immediately, teeth chattering and clinging to Jeremiah. "Fuck you!"

And with that, she pushed him hard enough that he went toppling backwards into the waves. Rose spluttered while Jeremiah burst from the waves, choking on laughter.

"That went up my nose."

She chuckled. "Karma."

"I thought karma only affected people who deserved it? I do not deserve it."

"And that is exactly why you have it."

Jeremiah sent her a mock frown, and was heavily debating throwing her back under the waves when her eyes lit up, and she dived under, anyway. Her deep brown hair fanned around her head in a halo as her hands skimmed the seabed. She emerged a moment later, with two golden seashells that gleamed bright, but never so compellingly as her smile.

"I think those are perfect," said Jeremiah.

"They are, aren't they?" she said enthusiastically, turning over the seashell to reveal a cracked outer shell. "Look. Even better."


The seashell really was perfect—a bright golden gleam concealed by jagged, imperfect edges. A summer of love hidden by a darker future. The two only just seemed to really comprehend just how cold the sea was, and they dashed out of it as quickly as Jeremiah had carried her in. She was shivering slightly, but Rose didn't really mind that much, even though she would have much preferred to have been wrapped in a blanket. They began to walk back in silence, until Rose cast a worried look in his direction to find him regarding her with the very same expression.

Rose smiled. "You fancy a movie night?"

"It's not night yet."

"Fine," she said with a light eye roll. "Movie day?"

"Can we watch Ocean's 11?"

"I'd rather be sick."

Jeremiah laughed—not one of the small ones that he'd been forcing out so far, but a real deep laugh that was contagious in nature. "Well, we're not watching a rom com."

"They're the best!"

"Says who?"


"We could watch Ocean's 8, then," he finally agreed.

There was only one thing left to do—race back to the house. Her limbs jolted to a start, and her and Jeremiah dashed back, neck and neck, until he began to pick up speed. It was the stupid sand, she swore. It wasn't her fault. There was no way she was going to lose to Jeremiah.

"You're so slow," he called over his shoulder.

"Yeah?" She challenged, making her legs power her even faster, and she managed to overtake Jeremiah as they navigated the small leaf-strewn pathway that led to the house.

"That's not fair!"

"Neither is you not liking rom coms!"

"I do like them!"

"No way?" she said suddenly, spinning around to meet his eye. Her chest rose up and down. "Really?"

But Jeremiah raced past her with a wink and continued running.

"Jere, I will literally kill you."

"Catch up to me and then you can!"

And she did. She didn't kill him, but she did get the choice of sweet or salty popcorn, which was always good enough in her books. The two fell asleep during the movie, both blissfully unaware of how they naturally leaned against the other in their sleep...something that would certainly be a surprise when they awakened in the late afternoon to Steven and Conrad taking a picture of them and humming the wedding march tune. 

✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩ 💌 A LETTER FROM SOPH 💌 ✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩

Dear Reader,

I apologise for the two/three day wait for this chapter—I've had covid and I'ms till not feeling the best, but I promise updates will be more frequent from now! Thank you so much for the love on this story, its only five chapters in and we're already on 10K? THATS MAD I LOVE YOU ALL <3

Lovefromsoph <3

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