Ross: Me too. Bare with, I'm just going to talk to Ryland.

Ross puts the phone down and hovers over Rylands shoulder.

Ross: So, you found her?

Ryland sighs and turns to face him.

Ryland: What do you think?!

Ryland turns back around.

Ross: I'm sorry, I'm just w-

Ryland: FOUND HER!

Laura: Who?

Ryland: Aubrey.

Riker: She went missing?!

Ross grits his teeth together.

Ross: Thanks a lot Ryland!

Ryland puts his hands up in surrender.

Ryland: Sorry.

Jennette: So?

Ryland: So what?

Everyone groans.

??: Where's Aubrey?!

Ryland: No need to yell. Aight, I'm older than you.

??: Sorry. Just tell us where she is!

Ryland: Ok ok, geez. It says she's headed towards a bridge?

Ariana: Why a bridge?

Everyone hears a gasp. Everyone looks around confused.

Bella: Alright! Who gasped dramatically?!

Nobody answers but Ross' phone lights up. Ross sighs.

Ross: It's just Justin.

Ross picks his phone up.

Ross: What happened?

Justin: Aubrey got really upset thinking she'll never see Terrance again so she ran off. I think she's know...

Ross sighs.

Ross: No! No I do not know!

Justin: Suicidal. Terrance is her everything...she's broken because she thinks she'll never see him again.

??: But she will! She just needs to keep hope!

Justin: Well she's running low on that!

Ross: No shit! Now go find her! We'll meet you there!

They hang up. Ross sighs and runs a hand through his hair in frustration.

Ross: Everyone get in the buses! We're going to save Aubrey!

Everyone cheers and runs for both buses. Once they got on both buses head towards the location. Once they arrived they saw Aubrey deciding wether to jump or not. They get out of the buses.


Aubrey turns around, gasps and starts crying.

Aubrey: R-Ryder?

Ryder runs up to Aubrey and they hug.

Aubrey: What are you doing here? You're supposed to be at boarding school!

Ryder chuckles.

Ryder: I don't go to boarding school!

Aubrey's confused.

Aubrey: What?

Ryder sighs.

Ryder: I went and stayed at a friends house for a couple of days to see what your reaction would be. I was always going to come see the concert. By the way, you totally ROCKED IT!

Aubrey giggles and hugs him. After about 5 minutes everyone heard loud panting. Everyone turned around to see Justin covered in sweat.

Laura: EW!

Rydel: Where've you been?!

Justin: L-looking f-for A-Aubrey and T-

Aubrey: Don't say his name. There's no point. I'll never see him again...Jessica wins, she got him.

Aubrey sighs and sits at the edge of the bridge, hanging her legs down. Jennette sighs and sits next to her.

Jennette: It'll be ok.

Aubrey: How do you know?

Jennette: Because I hurt Rocky and I thought I'd never see him again. But now look, after a long while, we've seen eachother again...everything's fine.

Aubrey: Yea, but you're not together! What happens if Terrance falls for Jessica?! Then what?!

Jennette giggles.

Jennette: Then...we freak out!

Aubrey's uncles: And we'll kill Terrance!

Ross: I'll do the most damage!

Everyone chuckles.

Aubrey: Thanks you guys.

They have a big group hug and hear slow clapping. Everyone turns around to see Jessica and Amber. Aubrey groans.

Aubrey: What do you want? You've already won!

Amber: No she hasn't!

Jessica: Amber shut up!

Amber zips her lips and throws away the key and Jessica face palms herself. Jessica mumbles.

Jessica: Such a bitch.

Jessica faces Aubrey.

Jessica: I haven't won...yet Aubrey.

Aubrey's confused.

Aubrey: How? You have my boyfriend! He's probably head over heels for you!

Jessica does an evil laugh.

Jessica: Nope. I reprogrammed him.

Aubrey: He wasn't a robot you know.

Jessica smirks.

Jessica: Oh I know. Let's just say...he never loved you.

Jessica turns to face a black limo. She opens the door and Terrance walks out. Once the two of them stand in front of everyone.

Jessica: For the record Aubrey. Terrance is the reason why you got raped that night.

Jessica kisses Terrance and he kisses back. Aubrey's eyes fill with tears. She turns to face her family and they're all in shock.

Aubrey: Did anyone else hear that?

Ryder: Hear what?

Aubrey: The sound of my heart breaking into a million.

Aubrey looks down and remembers about the bridge. She pushes Ryder out of the way and jumps. Everyone starts screaming and Ross dives in after her.

Badass meets Bad BoyWhere stories live. Discover now