Start from the beginning

"Unless I have nightmares," Tony muttered. Pepper glanced at him with concern.

She stood up and let out a big yawn. She heard disembodied yells and decided to go check who was making all the ruckus.

She walked out of her and Tony's room and screamed at what she saw.

There stood Clint, Tony, Steve, Bruce, and Thor with boobs.

"I have boobs?"

Pepper cautiously walked in the room.

"...What's going on?" She asked

"We have no clue."

"We like to know the same thing!" Steve said.

Everyone nodded furiously. Except for Fury. He nodded seriously...

Pepper. looked at Tony as he stood fondling his own boobs. Clint looked at him and smiled as he started to do the same thing.

"EW, GUYS!!!"
"What?" Tony and Clint said as innocently as possible.

"What, you women don't do the same?!"

"...Why do you guys have breast?" Pepper asked.

"Breasts," Clint corrected, earning a few looks.

"Well I woke up this morning and they were just there! I figured I was still dreaming so I went to the bathroom and well... I had female parts! I ran out here as fast as I could to alert everyone but all the guys were out here with the same issue as me." Bruce said.

"Does that mean...?" Pepper started to ask.

"WE'RE GIRLS!" All of the guys yelled at the same time.

"We've noticed," Maria facepalmed.

"Any do any of you have an idea why you might be girls?" Pepper asked.

"Loki!' Thor yelled.

"Loki did this to you?" Pepper asked.

"Well...he did hit us with some ray from his scepter yesterday but nothing happened at that exact moment so we all thought it hadn't worked." Steve said.

"Oh, so it did work," Steve said, disappointed.

Thor nodded sadly as Loki laughed evilly beside him.

Tony and Clint giggled in the background as they bounced around with their newly grown breast.

"Ew again. Weird much."

"My milkshakes bring all the boys to the yard and they're like it's better than yours. Damn right. I could teach you but I'd have to charge!" Clint and Tony sang in unison.

"What the...?" All the ladies said in unison, confused.

Pepper rolled her eyes.

"What about Nata-" Pepper started to say.

"JESUS CHRIST!" Natasha screamed off in the distance.

"At least you didn't say a curse word," Steve said approvingly.

She ran out to the rest of us. "Guys. My boobs are gone and I have a penis." She said trying to catch her breath.

Tony laughed at a certain word she said. "So Natasha didn't escape the gender swap," Clint said in a sad tone. "You sound like you're telling people I'm dead," Natasha rolled her eyes.

Tony laughed. "She said penis."

"Shut up Tony," Multiple people said in harmony.

Pepper glared at Tony. "Sorry Pep." he said.

Natasha looked around the room. "Oh my god. Who did th-" Natasha began to say.

"Loki." All the boys said at the same time.

Natasha's eye flinched. "That little-"

Many people flinched.

"Cursing him doesn't change anything," Thor said.

"True that."
"Will it though?"

"Well then, what do we do now?" Natasha yelled.
"We need to find Loki and make him change us back!" Steve said.

Everyone agreed.

"Yeah...but we have no idea where he is." Clint said.

Thor smirked. "I know exactly where he is."

"But I like having boobs." Tony said with a pouty face.

Everyone sighed or facepalmed.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2023 ⏰

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