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Captain America was out in the open, looking for a ride and when he saw a black Helicopter, a device was planted on the blades, stopping it from being used. Cap looked from where that came from and saw his former friend Tony Stark in his Iron Man Armour landing on the concrete, with War Machine following suit.

"Oh, this." Tony looked away, sighing with discomfort. Steve closed his eyes, not wanting to watch this. Rhodey wince, knowing what happens next.

"Wow, it's so weird how you run into people at the Airport, don't you think that's weird?"

  "What?" Yelena blinked, not understanding what they just said.

"Definitely weird." War Machine agreed.

"It's you, Rhodey!" Sam stared at the screen. Rhodey just nods.

"Hear me out Tony, that Doctor, the psychiatrist, he's behind all of this." Captain America said, trying one more time to reason with them.

Bruce blinks.

Multiple groans are heard throughout the theatre, everyone but Yelena, Fury and Maria, now knowing what is happening.

"I hate this," T'Challa muttered.

The Black Panther came out onto the Battlefield and said to the Soldier, "Captain."

"Your Highness."

"Anyway, Ross gave me 36 hours to bring you in, that was 24 hours ago, can you help a brother out?"

Natasha glared at her feet. Ross. Of course he is mentioned. Yelena glances at her sister, still having no clue what is happening and why everyone seemed so unhappy.

"You're after the wrong guy."

"Your judgment is askew...your old War buddy killed innocent people yesterday-"

Rhodey looks away. Tony looks over, wanting to pat his friend on the back and tell him its okay. A lot of people here has killed before. Sometimes it was necessary...

"And there are 5 more Super Soldiers just like him," Cap said again trying to reason with him. "We can't let the Doctor find them first, Tony, we can't."

Tony stared at his own feet now. Pepper tries to make him feel better by hugging him. Tony smiles secretly, thankful for the support.

"Steve," Natasha Romanoff said. "You know what's about to happen, do you really wanna punch your way out of this one?"

Yelena gives her sister a curious look while Steve sighs and puts his head in his hands. "We were pretty immature back then..." Tony mutters. "But I guess it was only a few years ago..."

Captain America then looked back at Tony, knowing that there was no way that peace was going to be made with the group.

Everyone either bites their lips or look away, uncomfortable. Steve hugs himself, not liking this one bit.

~A little time skip~

"Barnes is mine!" Panther yelled going toward the terminal.

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