Fanfiction. Yes. You heard me.

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This fanfiction they'll be reacting to is:
Testing at SHIELD by bookworm1517
(It's a great story, go check it out!)

Natasha sighed as she closed the test booklet in front of her. Really? she thought. We really have to take a test over SHIELD protocols in the field? It was just one broken rule...

"You two are always breaking rules," Maria muttered, glaring at the back of Natasha's head. Natasha just shrugged breezily. "Can't help it, Maria."

"And why is that?" Maria narrowed her eyes. Clint chuckled softly. "What rule did you two break?" Tony raised an eyebrow. "Too many to remember," Clint replied, not even trying to recall when this moment was.

She put her head down on her arms and closed her eyes, hoping to take a nap with the remaining time.

Clint angrily slammed his pencil on the table he shared with Natasha and shut his test book.

A few people jumped in surprise. "Geez Legolas, calm down," Tony said. Clint just grunted in response.

He looked around and saw agents scribbling diligently as they wrote the final essay. Nick Fury sat in a desk at the front of the room observing the agents carefully.

"I'm surprised Fury was there," Steve murmured under his breath. The rest of the avengers agreed silently. "Is this before he got promoted?"

Clint absentmindedly picked up the giant eraser in front of him and began to methodically shred it. When he reached the end of the eraser he was struck by inspiration.

"Bullying eraser. A terrible crime," Peter gasped dramatically, clutching his chest. MJ raised an eyebrow. "Didn't you do that before, Peter?" Clint grinned. "Aha, caught red handed." Peter raised his hands in surrender. "At least I gave them a funeral."

Beneath the table, Clint began to inch his foot across the floor until he felt Natasha's foot underneath his. He saw her flinch slightly and smiled slightly. He drew his foot back a bit and kicked her ankle.

Everyone either gasped or ooohed. Well, except for Fury. And Natasha. She was busy glaring daggers at Clint and wondering if she should kick him. Clint copied Peter's earlier action, raising his hands in surrender. "Don't kick me, that was in the past."

Natasha sat up slowly glaring at the man across the table from her. "Watch this," he mouthed to her. She smirked as he pulled at a rubber band and picked up on the eraser bits.

"Uh oh. This is going to get you in trouble." Tony said, observing the screen. "Seems fun though." Pepper eyed him, giving him an unimpressed look. "It was fun. I think," Clint responded, smiling mischievously. "Makes me want to do it again."

He ignored the looks Maria and Fury were giving him.

Very carefully, Clint pulled the rubber band and projectile back and took aim. A quiet snap, and the eraser was halfway across the room, hitting some new agent in the back of the head.

"Direct hit," Peter said, slightly impressed. He knew how rubber bands were so fragile. "He's called Hawkeye for a reason, best archer in the world." Ned nodded, eyes glistening with curiosity and amazement.

The young man looked up angrily but quickly went back to his test when he saw the two assassins smirking. He may have only been there for a week, but he knew not to mess with Hawkeye and the Black Widow.

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