Chapter One

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A/N: as you can probably tell from the story description i'm changing things up a bit and giving the other main characters a little more individual time lolol hope you like it!

Shelena hauled her suitcase out of the bedroom she'd stayed in for most of her 14 years on Earth. She stood in the doorway, bittersweet memories flooding her senses as she recalled it being her safe haven every time she'd been bullied, or sent back from foster homes for causing weird things to happen.

But now? Now she knew how she was causing those 'weird' things to happen. Now she was a blossoming witch in Hogwarts School, she'd found her fathers, and she was about to move in with one of them! Shelena sadly thought about her father Sirius, who had been on the run from authorities since last year. He'd sent her two letters across the entire summer, promising he was safe, and that he'd be back soon. But he hadn't come back, and Shelena couldn't help but worry that he'd abandon her again, the way he had allowed her to be left on the doorstep of this very orphanage so many years ago.

A soft hand touched her shoulder. Shelena looked up to see Remus Lupin, her official guardian and second father, smiling at her. "Ready to go? I've got a cab waiting outside," he said kindly, taking her bag from her. "Thanks, Remus," she said gratefully, leading him down the stairs and to the front door of the large building. The orphanage owner, a stout American lady by the name of Grace, stood by it, fidgeting nervously. Ever since finding out one of her charges was a witch, she'd never let her guard down. "It was nice to have you here, Shelly," Grace rambled, rocking on her heels and biting her lip. "Hope you and Mr. Lupin will enjoy each other's company!"

They would, Shelena knew that much. With an appreciative grin in Grace's direction Shelena and Remus stepped out into the hot summer afternoon, and sat in the cab next to each other. The ride was spent in silence until Remus told the cab driver where to stop, then leaned over to Shelena with a wad of Muggle money. "Err- how much is he asking for?"

The two arrived on a large grassy plain, and Remus pointed out a tiny cottage at the edge of the forest. "It's easier to have my house near the woods when I have my transformations," he explained. Shelena's friend Hermione had revealed that Remus was a werewolf last year, but that hadn't changed Shelena's view of Remus in the slightest. He was still the kindest man she'd ever know. They got into the house, changed into some comfortable clothes, and Remus brought out a jug of Muggle lemonade and slightly-burnt cookies. "I made them from scratch before I left to pick you!" he said proudly.

Shelena thanked her former professor, and bit down on the cookie she took, and sipped the lemonade she'd been offered. "They're really nice!" she praised, and Remus took his seat on the couch next to her.

It was then that Remus and Shelena realised neither knew much about each other, and the silence that settled made them both very aware of how hasty the whole idea of Shelena moving had been. Thinking long and hard for a conversation topic, Shelena pointed at a picture containing four adults — two women, two men (clearly Sirius and Remus), and a baby with a shock of thick black hair and startling grey eyes. "Tell me about them?" Shelena suggested. With a teary smile, Remus began explaining about Dorcas Meadowes, Sirius, Marlene McKinnon's and his history together.

• • • • • • •

"Hermione! Dinner is served!" Jean Granger shouted from the kitchen. Hermione, who'd been holed up in her bedroom finishing assignments, stretched her aching back with a sigh. "Can I eat later, Mum? I have work to do!" Even though she didn't hear it, Hermione knew her mother was sighing in despair. Ever since last year, when students at Hogwarts were allowed to take electives, Hermione took on 6 new classes — Ancient Runes, Muggle Studies, Arithmancy, Divination, Numerology and Care of Magical Creatures, and her number of classes swelled from 7 to 13.

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