Good training

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We see cole riding his bike as he arrives at marmalades compound as cole walks up to the door he tries to knock but the doors open on their own as cole stops for a second

Cole: O-kay

Marmalade then pops out in front of him 

Marmalade: Welcome!

Cole jumps a bit

Cole: Jesus!

Marmalade: Oh sorry friend just wanted to welcome you now we have some time before the students of good arrive is there anything you'd like to talk about

Cole thinks for a moment

Cole: How much do you know about me?

Marmalade: I did hear about your parent's accident 

Coles's head then hangs low

Marmalade: Oh I apologize

Cole: It's fine I asked

Marmalade: I did speak to your father at one point uh how is your brother doing

That catches coles' attention as he thinks marmalade is talking to someone else

Cole: My what?

They then hear the doorbell ring as the bad guys arrive

Marmalade: Oh goody 

Marmalade then walks over to greet their guests

We then see the bad guys walking up to the front door as they admire their surroundings while walking in

Wolf: Wow big and fancy

Shark: Rodents got taste ok

Snake: Huh almost makes me wanna go cute

Marmalade: They say experience is the best teacher but they're wrong I am good morning students of goodness and welcome to your first day of the rest of your best lifes

Piranha then sees a fake meteorite

Piranha: A giant butt

Cole: Huh?

Marmalade: Uh it's-it's not a butt It's a lamp in the shape of the love crater meteorite my greatest-

Piranha: I wonder whose butt it is

Marmalade: Once again it's not a butt thank you it's a heart now as I was saying-

Piranha: Why does it have cheeks?

Then the Crew and Cole start to shush him

Piranha: What I've never seen a heart with cheeks before

Marmalade: (Scoofs) It's not a-

Piranha: BOO-TAY


Cole: Chill dude

Piranha: Does he even know what a butt is?

As soon as he said that cole picked up a little pebble and tossed it at him as cole looked at him with wide eyes that clearly said SHUT UP

Marmalade: (clears throat) As I was saying, on the outside, the five of you are villains, predators, remorseless sociopaths

Shark: Oh stop you're making me blush 

 Marmalade: But inside, there's a flower... the flower of goodness... and when it blooms and you feel that tingle of positivity radiating through your body, you're going to want to feel it all the time

Bad Guys Simple Male Oc FicUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum