Bad Guys Go Bust

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(Sirens whooping)

Tiffany: Bad guys go bust the nefarious fivesome has finally been captured and I, Tiffany Fluffit, am first on the scene

We see the crew is being escorted to a transport vehicle to be taken to prison as wolf is being walked by the chief

Chief: Wow. You know, I-I just realized that I have devoted my entire adult life to putting you in jail you are my purpose without you, who am I? Ah, I'm just kidding this is the best moment of my life!

The chief then smacks him on the back as wolf stumbles

We then see the bad guys being put into the van as they struggle

First Shark went in

Shark: No!

Then piranha as he had to be held by two people

Piranha: Get your hands off me!

Then webs as she kept in a glass box as she kept trying to jump at the officer holding the box

Webs: Oh your begging for a biting right now!

Then snake was being held by a chain around his neck as he got pulled in the van while looking at wolf for help

Snake: Wolf!

We see cole as he's walking down the stairs to leave as he's starting to be bombarded by reporters with questions

Reporter: How did you get kidnapped?

Reporter 2: Did they hurt you?

Diane and marmalade then stand in front of cole

Diane: Woah ok If you have any questions you should ask us

Marmalade then pulls cole to the side to talk to him

Marmalade: So whats your name

Cole: Cole...

Marmalade: Ok cole you have to understand you safe now and there's nothing to fear

Cole: I was never scared of them

Marmalade: Well that was very brave well if you're still shaken by this experience and If you need someone to talk to here's my number

Marmalade then hands cole a card with his phone number on it

Cole: Thanks

We then see wolf look at his tail as he gets an idea he then slips under the chief's arm as he talks to the governer

Wolf: Excuse me sorry to interrupt I just wanted to congratulate the governor here I got to say, you really got us pegged we're just a deep well of anger and self-loathing

Diane: Denial

Wolf: Sure that too

Diane: Narcissism

Wolf: Yeah, Yeah

Diane: Emotional emptiness 

Wolf: So we're on the same page

Snake: What is he doing?

Wolf: Sadly we were never given a chance to be anything more than criminals If only there was someone who could help the flower of goodness inside us blossom as an icon of love and forgiveness, like, uh, I don't know, Mother Teresa's best thing is to just throw us in jail for the rest of our hopeless lives

The chief then picks him up to put him in the vehicle 

Chief: Yep that's the plan

Wolf struggles to not get in as shes about to throw him in shes stopped by a voice

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