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Duncan was disappointed and upset to be voted out this late in the show. He could have been in the final three, or even won, but no. All because Owen cost him the challenge by eating Chefs sticky buns. Owen was the one who should have been eliminated, not him! What was, somehow, even worse was Chefs tormenting on the boat ride to Playa de Losers.
Once seeing Playa de Losers, he rolled his eyes and dragged his luggage and feet off the boat.
The place looked nice enough. The moonlight made Playa de Losers have a certain shine to it, like it was meaningful, but Duncan would never say it. He couldn't look forward to seeing Courtney, though, as his longing for her faded as the show went on. She started off sweet, but proceeded to get more bossy and demanding of him. It was unbearable.
Plus, being around his so-called loved would make him think of some things he really wanted to forget about. Some realizations he had made about himself as the show progressed.
After a grueling amount of time getting things into his set room, he changed into his swimsuit and went outside. Maybe a soak in the hot tub could do him some good.
He sank into the hot tub and let out a groan of relaxation. Sadly, that wouldn't last too long. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed a certain brunette making her way towards him. Courtney. He let out a quick eye roll.
"Hey, Duncan, we need to talk." She started, her voice near a whisper.
"What do you want?" He asked, full of tone.
She scoffed and added, "What I want is for us to have space. I don't think I have feelings for you anymore. In fact, I think I'm a lesbian."
The males eyes widened and he started to sweat a little. At least he wasn't the one breaking up with her.
"Wow, um, cool. Yeah, cool. I don't think I like you anymore either. So... yeah. We can still be friends or whatever." His reply wasn't the most thought out.
He felt a weight fall off of his shoulders as she sauntered away. Duncan sighed and leaned further into the hot tub while closing his eyes. Finally, a moment of peace.
"Hey Duncan, how's it going man?" He heard a voice call out.
Another groan escaped his lips as he opened his eyes and saw the owner of the voice. Trent? He was overcome with confusion as him and Duncan had never interacted that much.
"Fine? I guess." Duncan replied, trying to seem like the nonchalant bad boy he'd been painting himself as. Trent wasn't dumb, though.
"Yeah right. I saw you and Courtney talking and it seemed off. I can tell something's up." Trent responded.
"Dude, why do you even care? We, like, never even talked on the show!" The punk questioned.
"Jeez! Just trying to look out for a fellow guy." Trent retorted.
Duncan looked around quickly, realizing there were way more people out here now then there was when he arrived.  He let out an irrational response after a beat of uncomfortable silence.
"Well, if you're gonna force me to talk, can we at least go somewhere private? I know Chris is the type of guy to set cameras up all around this place."
Trent agreed to the request and they traveled to Trent's room. Unwanted tension began to grow in Duncan. He didn't even want to think about what was going through his head on a daily basis, let alone talk with someone about it! Why did he even agree to talk with Trent anyways? It's not like he could trust him... right?
"Talk to me, what's going on?" He asked.
"God, I don't even know why I'm about to trust you with this shit," Duncan blurted before he began to confess, "Courtney and I broke up because she doesn't have feelings for me anymore and I'm just confused.  Like, I'm glad because I don't like her either but thinking about her makes me wonder..."
"Yeah?" Trent questioned.
"...If I even like girls at all."
Silence filled the air as a response was formulated. Duncan felt himself holding his breath. This was the first time he ever opened up to anyone. Would Trent tell him to get over himself? Leave and go rat him out to all the other losers?
He was brought out of his thoughts when he heard, "Yeah, that's a lot for someone to process."
Duncan let out a grunt and buried his head in his hands. This whole situation was just so weird.
"I've been there before." Trent mutters.
"Wait, what?" The green-haired man asked in shock.
"I've been there before," Trent repeated, "when the producers made me fake date Gwen. I had never thought about dating before that and it all made me realize I like guys. It was very, very, awkward. If you do like guys, I can tell you that it definitely gets easier. You just have to accept it instead of fight it."
All of this was nice to hear, really, but Duncan was a bit frightened. Why was Trent of all people being so nice to him? Wasn't he the douchebag that everyone was hoping to get voted out since the first episode?
"Thanks man, that's really nice, but like, why are you being so nice? I know that I'm kind of an asshole to everyone." Duncan asked.
"Something just made me feel like I had to talk to you. It's not that hard to tell that when you and Courtney talk it won't end well. Or maybe it was my gaydar; I'm not sure." Trent joked.
Normally, Duncan wouldn't have laughed at a joke like that. He might have even tried to defend Courtney. It could have been because it was so late into the night, or because he was a little less tense, but he chuckled.
Maybe he should talk to Trent more often.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2023 ⏰

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