Jealousyyyy turning saints into the sea (jealous hcs)

517 11 23

a/n will be at the end sorry i haven't uploaded :(

Context: You guys are hanging out at the park, and you see one of your old friends. You seem more interested in catching up with them than talking with (character). How will he act? 

(i'm sorry this is kinda generic)


-He keeps his distance.

-Sassy AF to the person.

-Leans his head on your shoulder.

-Won't stop talking shit about them for like a week after that.


-Gives them "THE LOOK™"

-Gets you one of those deformed sonic popsicles to hopefully drive you away from them.

-He acts like a fucking baby.

-Grabs onto your arm. (WHY IS HE SO CUTE!?!?!?)


-Acts like he doesn't care

-Starts straight up bullying the poor person.

-Hugs you from behind.

-Gives up and goes over to the swings, among all the children. 


-Plots to kill them

-Takes you over to a bench and pulls you onto his lap. (NOT SEXUALLY BOTH OF YOU ARE MINORS)

-Starts bragging about how he scored such a perfect person.

-Also starts bragging about how good he is with knives.


-At first he tries to be nice.

-Eventually he gets annoyed and starts cutting them off.

-Intertwines his fingers with yours.

-Heavily expresses your relationship.

Hope you enjoyed  :D and onto the a/n (you can skip it)


So i haven't been able to get access to any electronic device (besides my smart t.v) and therefore couldn't upload. I also had a surgery on my knee about a month ago, its healing amazingly but i still have trouble walking. I do have many ideas and its safe to say that i'm gonna be able to upload most days in the near future!!! Also thank you so much for almost 3K reads i'm seriously so fucking greatful for this! :D If you read all this you are truly amazing please dont forget that. Remember to eat and stay hydrated, byeeee :]

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