Mattias Hcs (New Character!!!)

620 13 57

just adding him in 'cause @Anime123miku suggested it ,so go thank them!!!

(i also hc him being a kinda sarcastic yet SUPER protective sleepy boi ,so sorry if anything is a 𝘣𝘪𝘵 out of character)

-----Big Spoon Or Little Spoon-----

- Raging little spoon.

-Likes to feel your warmth before his narcolepsy gets the best of him

-Passes out while telling you about his supernatural experiences.

-He likes to hold your hand while you guys spoon.

-----If You Told Him You're Transgender-----

-He's so sweet despite knowing close to nothing on the subject.

-Tells you that he likes YOU, not just your gender.

-Made you a pride flag out of some pretty flowers he found while in the woods.

-He apoligizes SO much if he accidentally says the wrong name/pronoun.

-----Public Display of Affection-----

-He doesn't go out in 𝘱𝘶𝘣𝘭𝘪𝘤 ,but the woods count right?  R I G H T ?

-Likes to rest his head on your shoulder.

-Naps while leaning against a tree!!!

-~Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy~ (yes, like the song)

-You carry him around a lot, but it's not a problem since he's SUPER light. (poor boy)

-----Watching A Scary Movie-----

-He sleeps...just sleeps.

-JOLTS up during loud scenes

-"My life is a horror movie,  dontcha think i've seen enough?"

-Hogs your SHARED blanket! >:C

-You guys either end up asleep, or clinging onto each other for dear life.

-----Reaction To Cupcakke-----


-Has a f*cking stroke.( I swear that isn't an innuendo 0~0)

-Hits you with a bible.

-Called you an "UNGODLY LITLE SHI-"*snores*

-----Watching A Sad Movie-----

-He's asleep like a baby most of the time.

-If he wakes up and you seem uncomfortable ,he'll try to distract you by nuzzling into you.

-Comforting Bf +

-VeggieTales MARATHON

-----Reaction To You Kissing Him-----

- He's REALLY surprised you actually had the guts to do it.

-N O S E B L E E D S 

-Nearly faints.

-Scared that god will punish him by making him pregnant. (God may not be able to do that ,but some wattpad writers can 0-0)

-Said that it would be worth it, even if he lived out a wattpad mpreg lifestyle (NO! I'M NOT GONNA WRITE THAT SO STFU,YOU UNHOLY WORM! >:( )


Yours: darling, angel, dear

His: Matt, Mattie, Honey

-----Contact Names-----

His:♚Nap King♚

Yours: My 13th Reason Why

-----How Cuddles With Him Are-----

-He likes wrapping all his limbs around you.

-Nuzzles his face into your chest to supposedly "Scare away the nightmares."

-Tells you what he wants to do the next day,but falls asleep before he gets to finish speaking.

-He's SUPER warm when he's asleep.

-His peaceful sleeping face is everything! (AAAAAAA I'M GONNA COMBUST!!!!!)

-----Su1c1dal Y/N Hcs-----

Tw: Mention of h@nging (if your in the u.s and considering this kind of stuff dial: 1-800-273-8755 and please remember...YOU ARE SO FUCKING AMAZING!!!)

-Mattias was just wandering around the woods alone super late at night.

-Or so he thought...

-When he turned around to get back home, Y/n's decaying corpse was right in front of him.

-They had a noose around their neck, and a smile carved onto their face.

- "I'm so sorry ,Mattias..." he heard right next to him and saw Eugene, trying to keep his composure.

-"Why, WHAT HAPPENED TO THEM!" He sobbed 

"I can't say much, just..hurry." Eugene spoke, just above a whisper.

-"What do y-" Mattias got cut off by a tendril choking him and dragging him underground.

-suddenly he woke up, still hurting from that terrible occurence.

-"Shit..." he whispered as he noticed his nose had been bleeding.

-He hurried to the spot where he saw Y/n's corpse and couldn't beleive what he had been seeing...

-His cheery, bubbly, sweet y/n was about to hang themself.

-"Oh...hey Mattie...what...uhm...what brings you here." you faltered.

- "I'd ask you the same thing, dear." He voiced, emotionlessly.

-"Why didn't you just tell me, i could've helped you..." he sighed.

- He carried you bridal style and set you down near his house. (his love for you made him strong or smth idk, he's just strong now)

-"I'll be right back, just gonna go grab some blankets." he uttered.

-Once he got back you guys made a little blanket fort and cuddled under the stars.

-----Reaction to you guys dating----- (Use this to lighten the mood)


Rudolph: "Oh...Nice to meet you guys! I've heard all about you from Tobi!"

Carmelo: "lamooooo" *looks at pictures of y/n in a dress/suit on his phone*

Emilio: "Ah, Yes the hot guy's hot brother and his hot partner! PLEASEMARRYMEALLOFYOU!!!"

Mattias reacting to Y/n Dating the others

Y/n x Tobias- "TOBI WHAT THE F-*zzzzz*"

Y/n and Rudolph- "So you guys are my brother's friends right? That's nice..."

Y/n and Carmelo- "Who are you again?"

Y/n and Emilio- "This can't be legal- Y/N COME WITH ME THIS MAN IS TOTALLY BONKERS!"

-----Texting Hcs-----

-Does ThIS lItTle thiNg.

-Perfect grammar.

-LOL and XD are very prevalent

-Sends blurry selfies with bad angles and bad lighting. (he still looks GREAT tho)


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