Stole the Badboys Heart Chpt: 17

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"AMBBBBBER WAKE UP." Someone yelled pounding on my door.

I shot up checking me surroundings, then put my full attention to the angry person behind me door.

My mom.

"AMBER, WAKE UP YOU'RE GOING TO BE LATE FOR SCHOOL!" She hollered I'm pretty sure the whole neighborhood could hear her.

"Make it stoppp." Another voice whined next to me.

I turned around and came face to face with a hilarious sight.

Logan was sprawled across me bed and his face was smashed into the pillow.

I chuckled and flicked his ear making him flip around fast and straddle me to the bed.

"AMBER DONT MAKE ME COME IN THERE." My mother bellowed, and continued her furious pounding.

"IM AWAKE." I yelled back as Logan covered his ears and buried his face in my neck.

"It's too early for this." He mumbled and snuggled deeper.

I heard my moms footsteps retreat back down stairs and pushed Logan off of me.

"Get out!" I pointed to the window.

He huffed and shrugged while picking up his scattered clothes.

"Hurry!" I rushed him faster. He's as slow as a turtle.

"I am!" He whisper yelled back and rolled his eyes.

I threw a pillow at him which hit his straight in the face.

"Don't give me attitude." I crossed my arms and stuck my chin out.

He laughed and kissed me on the cheek, then did a full ninja roll out my window.


"Well look who it is! Window peeper!" Chelsea sneered while walking towards me.

I've tried avoiding her since our last incident. Every time I'd hear those stripper heals click down the hallway I'd book it to the next room.

Cowardly I know. But if I stayed for any longer, I wouldn't be able to control myself.

I spun around coming face to face with Barbie herself.

But right now she looked more like a rabid dog.

"I told you to stay away from him!" She screeched loudly. Im pretty sure I just heard glass break.

"Aww Chelsea you jealous? It's probably because he's sticking around longer than he did with you." My hand shot up to my mouth. Holy shit, I just said that.

If glares could kill I'd be 6 feet under right about now.

"Listen here bitch, you think you're first class since you've caught the eye of your fantasy boy. You're not. You're nothing but a knock off geek who doesn't know how to listen to a threat. So If I were you I would back off. Ok?" She faked innocence.


"What's going on here?" A deep voice asked behind me. Of course it's my knight and shining armor.

"Ooooh nothing Logan we were just doing some girl talk." Chelsea batted her eye lashes as I narrowed my eyes.

Girl talk my ass.

Logan quirked an eyebrow and turned his gaze on me.

"Is this true?" He asked while putting an arm around my shoulder.

Chelsea saw this action and clenched her fist, but didn't say anything.

"Yeah, sure." I shrugged. I honestly just wanted to leave.

Logan stared at me for a moment, I'm pretty sure he could tell I was lying but he let it go anyways.

"Babe do you wanna go to Matt's party this weekend?" Chelsea purred while pushing out her boobs.


Logan turned to me, "Wanna go to Matt's party this weekend with me?" He asked while boring into my eyes.

I blushed under his gaze an nodded.

Chelsea stood there with her jaw dropped and her hands loose by her sides.

"See ya." Logan saluted to her and lead us towards the front doors.

That. Was. Hot.

Looks like I'm going to a party this weekend with the Bad boy.

Hell yes.



Sorry for the short chapter! I have writers block. heheh.

Im thinking we need more Alice parts. Her and Al are great.

P.S. Al and Ale are the same thing they just call him differently.

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