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Now, Max was grown, he was one and he was grown. Once my mom got home she was hugging and kissing on Max, I was confused on why.
   "Why are you doing that, Momma?" I asked her as she kissed Max's forehead. She looked up at me. And smiled, she grinned so big.
  "No reason."
  "Yep, whatever, okay whats going on?" I asked her. She frowned, her glum look was questionable. She stood up and hugged me.
"He reminds we of my first dog, Liam." She cried. I patted her head. And hugged her tight, she was sad, it was unusual to see her sad. She was usually so bright, and happy, or mad and grumpy. But never sad, ever.
"It's okay, Momma, it's okay." I said, her tears stopped. And she realized she was crying on her one daughters shoulder, and then she was a little embarrassed.
"I'm sorry, Jane, I'm sorry." She said. She snot was still running down her nose, I gave her a tissue, she said "I'm sorry." Again. Max licked us both, and we both hugged him. He was the best dog ever, he was the absolute best dog ever, and me and her knew he was.
"So, was Liam like, um, Max?" I asked, smiling. Momma looked at me with a smile, she nodded softly. I wished for her to tell me more, but I had to feed Max. I got a measuring cup, and poured food into his bowl. Max waited patiently, while I put water in the other bowl.
  "Max, your such a good boy!" I praised, he wagged. I set his bowls in the bowl holder things, and smiled as he ate. Momma looked at me.
   "Ya know, Max looks just like Liam, well maybe because I'm that's how every Golden Retriever looks." Momma laughed. Max finished, and wagged at us laughing hysterically. Momma told me more about Liam. He sounded nice, she told me stuff like what'd he do, and how cute he was, and also how much of a good boy he was.
   She told me the first time she saw Liam, and it was in detail too, she said,
   When I was just a little girl, I passed by the pet store, and the puppies in there were oh, so cute. The golden retrievers especially were cute. And there was this one puppy, he stared at me every single time I passed the pet store. And he was so cute.
  "Momma..." I said to my Momma, "look at that puppy in there, can we get him?"  She sighed at me and told me to ask my daddy.
   So, when I got home I told my dad, and he said yes, I was so excited I could scream.
   The next day, I went to the store to find the puppy still there, and I told the worker and everything so she got the puppy out: and it was love at first sight. The first time I saw him I knew he was meant to be MINE.
   "So how'd you like the story?" Momma asked. Fairly the story was long but sweet. It was getting late. I told my mom it was late. And she let go upstairs to change. Max followed, duh. We went upstairs and I changed. And of course, Max got on the bed FIRST. Which left me with little space.
   "Hog." I muttered. And he looked at me. He heard that.
   As he fell asleep. I turned off my lamp, and kissed Max's forehead and hugged him. As usual I said,
  "I love you, Max." With a smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2022 ⏰

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