3.) Badass (Steve Harrington x Reader)

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Badass: Steve Harrington x Reader

Genre: Fluff

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

I arrived at Steve's house, we had decided to study together for the upcoming history test. I had had a crush on him since freshman year. I parked my car, getting out and heading up to his front door. I knocked and waited. There was no answer. I rang the doorbell and waited. Still no answer. Suddenly, my ears were met with yelling coming from his backyard. I dropped my stuff on the front porch, rounding the house. I found a baseball bat leaning up against it. I grabbed the bat just in case. There, in front of the pool was Steve. There was another man standing in front of him and they were yelling at each other. Upon closer inspection, I realised it was Billy! Billy shoved Steve and Steve shoved him back. With Steve's hands still on Billy's chest, Billy ran at him, shoving him to the ground. Billy punched Steve in the face and I walked out of the shade, Steve's eyes met mine.

"Hey!" I called. Billy turned around. "Get the hell out of here while you still can!" I added, bracing the bat in a swinging position.

"Really, (Y/n)? What are you going to do?" He asked.

"I said, get the hell out of here!" I repeated, "I've been looking for a reason to knock your block off since you moved here, asshole."

"Fine." Billy answered, stalking around the other side of the house. "Watch your back, Harrington." Billy left and I hurried over, dropping the bat beside Steve as I held out my hand. Steve took it, and stood up.

"Oh! Ow!" Steve exclaimed. I looked at the opposite shoulder. It was clearly dislocated.

"Oh, holy shit, Steve." I said, "Your shoulder, it's dislocated."

"Yeah, it fucking hurts." He chimed.

"This is gonna hurt." I said. I grabbed his wrist, pulling it out straight in front of him. Steve let out a loud yell before I guided the ball joint back into the socket. Steve dropped his arm and rolled his shoulders.

"Holy shit, where did you learn to do that?!That's so badass!" He asked.

"I grew up with a lot of brothers." I said with a small laugh.

"Would you wanna maybe... go out sometime?" He asked, looking into my eyes. My breath hitched in my throat, I couldn't answer. Steve immediately looked down to the ground. "I mean, we don't have to, I just thought that maybe you would like to have milkshakes or something, or if you don't like-"

"Yes, I would love to go out sometime." I said, stopping Steve from spiralling anymore than he already had. Steve's eyes met mine again, "And I love milkshakes." I murmured.

"Yeah?" He asked, excitedly.

"Yes!" I confirmed. Steve connected our lips quickly and I could almost feel the fireworks going off around us. I smiled against his lips and wrapped my arms around his shoulders. Steve wrapped his arms around my waist. I felt him smile back. Our lips parted and Steve leaned his forehead against mine.

"We still need to study." I murmured. Steve groaned and broke away.

"Fine." He said, rolling his eyes. I laughed, and he took my hand, leading us into his house.

(A/n): I know this story is a little short, but I feel like it fits anyway! I love you guys! Mwah!

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