Chapter 25: Mall Trip

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(It's been a month wtf I'm so sorry I didn't even realize I've been so busy uhhh Merry almost Christmas/happy Hannukah/happy Kwanzaa)

This morning I got a phone call from Annalise. She was asking what had happened yesterday with the fight. I tried to avaoid the subject of Michael as best as I could.

"Well uhm- there wasn't exactly a full fight uh-"

"So you didn't fight?"

"No-uh we did it was just not really a fight."

We both stayed silent.

"So you chickened out?"

"NO!- uh" She backed me into a corner. I wasn't exactly sure how to explain to her that I saw a possibly dead ghost child and that's why I ran away.

Just then I heard my mom call me from the other room.

"Y/N, You got mail!"

"Listen, I'll talk later okay, I'm not really feeling too well."

"Oh okay-"

I hung up the phone and walked out into the hallway. My mom stood in the kitchen checking through the various letter we had received. I looked down at the table and saw a letter facing towards me with my name on it. I grabbed it and opened it with curiosity. It was from Henry Emily. It was my work schedule.

Right, work.

I sighed and folded the piece of paper back up and put it in my pocket. I had no energy to do anything. I lost my best friend and my boyfriend all within a couple hours. When I woke up this morning, I was hoping it might have all been some sort of fever dream. Unfortunately, that was false. It did happen and I still couldn't believe it deep down. It's crazy how badly denial can affect someone.

Mom was still upset at me for coming home late last night and being covered in bruises. She had yelled at me a bunch.

"Why are you covered in bruises!? Were you out with that limey rat boyfriend of yours!? I told you he was no good!"

I did not want to hear it. First of all, he's not my boyfriend anymore and second of all, you need to stop acting like you care.

Of course, I'd never be able to say that directly to her. I could only dream.

I tried to get away, but she ended up just lecturing me for a good while. I couldn't even go to school to avoid her since it was Saturday.

Whitney called me later on and asked if I wanted to hang out. It was a good enough distraction from everything else going on in my life so I might as well.

Mom eventually left to go to work or whatever, this is as good of a time as any. I knew she wouldn't let me go if she was home.

I got on a random hoodie and pants and left. It was relatively cold out today. The cold breeze hit my warm face almost immediately. A chill was sent down my spine. The air felt as if it was making it's way through all the parts of my hair somehow.

I started on my way to Whitney's. As I walked for a bit, I passed Michael's house. I felt like holding my breath as I went by. I was practically praying that nobody was out front. There wasn't luckily, but I could hear faint laughing coming from the backyard. I sniffled from sadness and the bitter air filling my lungs. I turned my head back and continued walking along.

What's am I going to do? I might never get to see Elizabeth or Evan again. I'll let never get to hang out with Michael. I

It had then hit me that I still had a job at Fazbear's and Michael was now even working there part time. My heart dropped as the wretched thought entered my mind. What was I to do?

It Will Be Me {Michael Afton x Reader} (REWRITING)Where stories live. Discover now