"You know I have always been this very bad-ass lone wolf, I mean I had friends well more like bitches, but not a friend I could talk to. So, I am trying to be sociable okay? Give me some time I will spit my guts to you someday." I smiled and nodded.

          "I am flattered that you trust me so much to actually want to open up to me, but may I ask why do you want to share your life secrets with a stranger?" he grinned at me mischievously, making me wary.

          "I don't know if I should tell you, but I will anyways, the thing is when I was an angel my special power was the ability to see the future. Like I look at a place and a picture engrains in my mind of what is going to happen there." I looked at him, totally confused, making him chuckle.

          "I was walking by Sempiternal Seraglio—or as I like to call it, SS..."

        "Holy crap! I call it SS too," I squealed happily, he glanced at me with an amused expression and I gestured for him to carry on.

        "...yeah so when I looked towards the gates I saw the "future you" jumping across the gates. That's why the day you arrived I already knew you were going to, and I helped you reach the other side of the gates," he smiled, as if he is holding back a secret no one knows, but I am not going to ask him about it, he told me this much he will tell me more when the time is right, I suppose.

        "But that still doesn't answer my question, why are you talking to me?" He raised his eyebrows, "I mean I enjoy your company, but no one just randomly starts talking to a stranger just because they saw them trying to jump a gate." I poked his chest accusingly and he just laughed at me.

        "Sorry gorgeous, can't tell you everything," I pouted, feigning hurt, but I know he saw right threw my act because he just rolled his eyes.

         "By the way, where are we going? We have been walking for a long time now. Are you planning on pushing me off of a cliff or something? Because I know some things about you?" I asked jokingly. I expected him to laugh, but he looked me in the eyes with a stern look. I gulped, backing away.

        With a blink of an eye I was running away as fast as I could. Why did I come so far with a stranger? O my god I am going to die! I kept running, feeling a whooshing wind sound behind me. I stopped for a second to catch my breath—instead of breathing however, I completely froze, standing stock still, gazing admiringly at the sight before me.

       An endless sapphire blue sea stretched ahead of me, surrounded by high mountains and white sand. I realized that I was standing on one of the mountains that were surrounding the beautiful sea. I was mesmerized by this sight; it was the most gorgeous thing I have ever seen. I bet the dusk and dawn looks breath-taking from this very place. I was so lost in thoughts that I didn't notice that someone was standing right behind me until I heard a whispered, "boo" right next to my ears, making me jump.

        I shrieked very loudly and the sound echoed throughout the entire forest. My eyes were popped shut, when I opened them Dwayne—the murderer—was standing there, with his hands covering up his ears. Before I could start running again he grabbed my arm, pulling me against his chest. He wrapped his arms around my waist, putting his forehead against mine, and just gazed into my eyes. I was star-struck, I knew his eyes were pretty and blue, but up close I could see flecks of gold in them, and their depth took my breath-away. All too soon he pulled apart, taking my hand in his and started walking up closer to the beautiful sea. I tried to get my hand free from his hold—not because it felt weird, but it felt too good, when it really shouldn't—but I couldn't because his hold was too strong.

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