Chapter 6

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Leo p.o.v

We let our wolves play for a little bit before e headed back, I will admit it was nice to see Shadow so happy again I was still unsure of what to do, I'd be lying if I said that I didn't feel the bond pulling me to Hope the more time I spend with her but a part of me still felt like I was betraying Rosie. We return back to see that both Faith and Ariel are waiting for us I thought that they would try and steal the car or something guess I was wrong, Ariel gives Hope some clothes and she goes behind a tree to shift back to her human form, I go to the boot of my car since all my clothes are in there I try to open it with my mouth but it doesn't work out then Faith opens it.

Faith - here let me help.

With the boot now open, I grab my backpack with my mouth and take it behind a tree so I can shift back too, once I've got my clothes on I walk back over to the car Hope comes over from behind her tree and we all back into the car. I start up the car and drive it Faith is the first to speak after we have been driving for a couple of minutes.

Faith - I wanted to apologise if I pushed you too much before.

Ariel - yeah I am sorry too.

And finally Hope.

Hope - me too Leo.

Leo - I appreciate it girls and I am sorry for snapping too.

Faith - can I ask a question?

Leo - sure.

Faith - there was a rumour that your pack took down a wizard, is it true?

I let out a chuckle.

Leo - yeah we did, any other questions?

I've got a feeling I will regret asking that.

Ariel - what's your home like?

Leo - it's a beautiful mixture of some forests and grasslands, with a mountain and a crystal clear blue lake, for any shifter it is paradise.

The image of home comes into my head and I find myself missing it as well as my family and pack even more, but I wonder what the girl's home was like before they become rogues.

Leo - what about you girls Where are you originally from?

My question seems to catch them off guard and they seem sad about it I go to apologise but Hope stops me and looks to the others in the back.

Hope - since we are being honest with each other maybe it's time to talk about it.

Faith suddenly asks me something I didn't expect.

Faith - how about a deal?

Leo - what kind of deal?

Faith - we will tell you about our home if you tell us about your first mate and what happened to her.

Hope - Faith maybe he doesn't want to talk about it.

Hope scolds her, she knows I don't want to talk about it but maybe talking about it might actually help, I kinda wished it was only me and Hope in the car tho but I guess I can try.

Leo - ok deal

My answer seems to surprise Hope.

Hope - are sure you want to I know it was hard for you to talk about when I asked you.

Leo - it's ok I guess it's time I let it out.

There was a silence in the car and no one start a word instead Hope put the radio back on, do they not want me to know about their home? If they didn't want to tell me then I wasn't gonna force them to. We soon passed the border of Florida I could see the girls were still a bit upset I had an idea on how to cheer them up when suddenly Hope lets out a sign and starts talking about it.

Hope - we didn't have much of a home growing up until we got taken in by a pack, it wasn't much just a bit of forest and grasslands. We were happy there until after our we were banished...Not long after our first shift.

Leo - what happened?

Faith answers making me wish I didn't ask.

Faith - let's put it this way the Alpha was a sadist bastard even tho he had a mate who was the sweetest thing in the world that didn't stop him from cheating on her with the she-wolves in the pack. A few weeks after our first shift he tried to get us into bed with him.

Before I can even do anything an angry growl escapes my throat I don't know where that came from but I don't like the idea of someone touching Hope, I clear my throat as I feel the girl's eyes on me after a few seconds Ariel finishes off the story.

Ariel - Anyway, since no one had rejected sleeping with him before he told everyone in the pack that we tried to sleep with him and break up his relationship, unfortunately, the Luna wasn't there to defend us so we get kicked out and banished from that land.

I can feel Shadow getting angry and he get me to ask who and where this was so I do ask as I tightly grip the steering wheel.

Leo - who was the Alpha?

The girls look very uncomfortable as Hopes hesitate to answer me, she looks to her feet.

Hope - Alpha Henry of the Black Creek Pack.

I growl again which causes them to look back at me I know that Alpha and that pack

Leo - I know that asshole.

Ariel - is he a friend?

Leo - is he fuck, I've lost couple on how many company we have had about that fucker, my sister has already given him 2 warnings to change his behaviour or we will strip him of his title and lands, doesn't help that he doesn't have a Luna anymore...

Hope, Faith, Ariel - wait what?!

They say at the same time with shocked looks on their faces.

Leo - what's wrong?

Ariel - what are you talking about? What happened to Luna Belinda?

I could see the tears in their eyes and it broke my heart as I had to tell them.

Leo - she committed suicide 3 years ago.

The two girls bust out crying I realise that they must have not known about it, fuck what have I done I should have kept my mouth shut, in the back of the car Ariel and Faith hold each other I suddenly feel sparks which causes me to look over to Hope who trying not to break down, her hand was on my a second but quickly moves it I can see the tears running down her cheek. To try and comfort her I reach over to her taking her hand in mine, in response to that she looks to me.

Leo - I am sorry for upsetting you I didn't...oft

I am cut off by her suddenly leaping into my arms I try to keep the car straight with one hand on the steering wheel good thing I am used to doing that, she buries her head into my neck I can hear her gentle inhaling my scent to calm her down, I don't want to move her since it feels nice having her cuddle into me like this can I really reject her? I am doing my best not to fall for her but if truth be told it's getting harder every moment I spend with her.

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