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I woke up gasping.
This dream keeps coming back.
I walked over to the window and looked outside on the street.
It was peaceful, yet something was up.

"This dream again?" Wanda asked me, and I nodded.

"How about you sleep closer to me?" She smirked.

"I most definitely will." I smiled softly as vision walked in.

"Are you awake again?" He asked.
The vision was a good friend of Wanda and me and lived with us while Wanda and I were... something else.

"So are you," I told him.

"Is it the stone again?" Wanda asked.

"It's as if it's speaking to me." Vision said.

"What does it say?" I asked.

"I don't... I don't know, but something."

I went back to sleep while Wanda accompanied Vision to the train.


We walked into the room where Rhodey talked to Ross, damn we must look good.

"Mr secretary," Steve said.

"You got some nerve." Ross replied, "I'll give you that."

"You could use some of that right now," Natasha told Ross.

"The world's on fire.
And you think all is forgiven?" Ross asked.

"I'm not looking for forgiveness.
And I'm way past asking permission.
Earth just lost her best defender.
So we're here to fight.
And if you want to stand in our way... we'll fight you too." Steve said and Ross's hologram walked away from him.

"Arrest them," Ross ordered Rhodey.

"All over it," Rhodey said and closed the hologram.

"That's court material." Rhodey sighed, "it's great to see you, Cap."

"You too Rhodey." They shook hands and after that, he and Natasha hugged.

"Wow, you guys... really look like crap." Rhodey sighed, "must have been a rough couple of years."

"Yeah well, the hotels weren't exactly five-star." I laughed a bit

"Uh, I think you look great." Bruce... wait, Bruce said, "yeah, I'm back."

"Hi, Bruce." Natasha's smile affected her voice.

"Nat." He replied after a few seconds.


"So we gotta assume they're coming back," Rhodey said.

"and they can clearly find us" Wanda added.

"We need all hands on deck.
Where's Clint?" Bruce asked.

"After the whole accords situation, he and Scott took a deal.
It was too tough on their families.
They're on house arrest." Natasha explained.

"Who's Scott?" Bruce asked.

"Ant-man," I answered him as I walked closer to Wanda, trying to comfort her.

"There's an ant-man and a spiderman?" Bruce asked, shocked.

"Okay, look.
Thanos has the biggest army in the universe... and he is not gonna stop until he gets... Vision's stone." Bruce's voice faded.

"Then we have to protect it," Natasha said and I sighed, "No, we need...have to, destroy it."

"We've been giving a good deal of thought to this entity in my head... about its nature." Vision looked at me.
"About also its composition." He continued, "We think if it were exposed to a sufficiently powerful energy source something very familiar to its own signature, perhaps..." he walked closer to Wanda slowly, "its molecular integrity could fail."

"Yeah, and you with it," Wanda said, "we're not having this conversation."

"Eliminating the stone is the only way to be certain that Thanos can't get it." I told her.

"Thats too high a price." She looked at me, betrayed.

"And only you have the power to pay it." I held her head in between my hands.

"He is my best friend." She cried softly and walked away from me.

"Thanos threatens half the universe.
One life cannot stand in the way of defeating him." Vision said.

"But it should," Steve replied, "we don't trade lives, Vision."

"Captain, 70 years ago, you laid down your life to save hoe many millions of people?" Vision asked, "tell me, why is this any different?"

"Because you might have a choice." I understood.

"Your mind is made up of a complex construct of overlays." Bruce explained, "Jarvis, Ultron, Tony, me, the stone.
All of them mixed together.
All of them learning from one another."

"You're saying Vision Isn't just the stone?" Wanda asked.

"I'm saying that if we take out the stone there's still a whole lot of Vision left, perhaps the best parts," Bruce answered.

"Can we do that?" Natasha asked.

"Not me, not here."

"Well, you better find someone and somewhere fast.
Ross isn't gonna let you guys your old rooms back." Rhodey sighed.

"I know somewhere." I smiled.


We walked out of the plane with Natasha and Steve first Rhodey and Bruce with me and the others behind.

Bruce bowed and I looked at him weirdly as I hugged T'challa.

"What are you doing?" Rhodey asked and T'challa added, "we don't do that here."

We then started walking.

"So how big of an assault should we expect?" T'challa asked.

"Uh, sir, I think you should expect quite a big assault." Bruce said as he caught up with us.

"How are we looking?" Natasha asked.

"You have my king's guard.
The border tribe, the Dora milaje, and..." T'challa stopped talking and let Barnes continue.

"A semi-stable 100-year-old man."

"How have you been Buck?" Steve asked as they hugged.

"Uh, not bad, for the end of the world."


I was chanting a spell to see the future while everyone walked out to fight. "in order to protect those I need, I will have to succeed.
Allow me to see the future I seek, help me the future leak." Again and again, until I saw it, two options, one better the other.

I need to help them fight now, it's time to work for a living.

I took out my cards and Wanda looked at me sadly, "you can't go!"

"I have to help them," I said and kissed her. "You need to remember that I love you, no matter what, no matter where, I will love you." And with that, I ran out.

the witch and the Avengers Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon