Book comfort!📘

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Nandini was currently standing in front of CROSSWORDS. Her therapist had advised her to read books. Lately, she had been suffering through some anxiety attacks and she thought referring to a therapist is the best solution.

Her therapist advised her to listen to music and read books because both of those things clear a person's mind and absorb good vibes and moreover, it keeps the person engaged.

She heaved a sigh and entered the shop. It was her first time buying a book.

"Which one should I buy and how?" She looked around. There were racks full of books and she looked confusingly at them.

She was looking continuously at the racks and and walking when she bumped into someone.

"S-sorry" she said with her eyes lowered.

"It's ok" she heard a manly voice and raised her head to see a boy in his twenties with  charming smile.

"What happened? You seem disturbed." He asked.

"Umm.. actually I am visiting a bookstore for the first time and I am confused how to buy books."

"Hmm, so I assume you have never heard books before other than textbooks." He asked in response of which she shook her head slowly, making a cute pout.

He smiled and then said, "Okay, so do a thing. Just look at the back cover of the book. There is blurb written there which is the basic idea of the book. Just read that and if you find it good, purchase it."

"But how is it possible for me to read whole of these books' blurb?" She looked horrified at the racks.

"Umm, what is your favourite genre, like the category which you like to read?"

"Ahh... maybe something knowledgeable. Or some romance fiction maybe."

"Okay, so here is the romance section (leading her to a rack) and on the other side is the non-fiction section. Check them out. Maybe you will find something."

She nodded and said, "Thank you so much. You seem to have a great knowledge of books."

"Oh yeah, I come here every month saving some money and then buy books. I just love reading." He said beamingly.

She nodded and then went towards the said section. She picked out a book and started reading it's blurb. The boy looked as she read the blurb keenly.

She found it interesting and kept it in the carry bag and moved forward. She picked another title and roamed her eyes around picking it. She saw the boy smelling the book. She made a face but then smiled at his innocent face. She started reading the blurb of some other titles. He looked at her and noticed her reading the blurb of a difficult book and when he saw her keeping it in her bag, he went near and held the book in his hand.

"This is not a beginner friendly book. You will face problems reading it. Go for some easy ones like this." He handed her another book to which she made an oh-look and then started observing it.

He too looked around and after sometime, both of them met at the billing counter.

"Nice choice!" He said, noticing a popular non-fiction in her hand. She smiled at him and then proceeded towards billing.

When they went outside, he was going to leave when he heard, "Excuse me!"

He turned around to find Nandini.

"Thanks for your help. Actually my therapist told me to read some knowledgeable books so as to give relief to the mind and keep myself engaged. It would have been a disaster if you wouldn't have been there."

"Umm, why do you refer to a therapist?" He asked, a little shocked.

"Wo actually I suffer from some anxiety attacks from sometime. Then my parents referred to her."

He made an oh-look and smiled gently, as if to calm her down.

"By the way, I am Nandini. "

"I am Manik" they shook hands with each other.

"So, see you sometime." She said and abid bye.

The both parted ways.

Next month, it was the same date she went again to CROSSWORDS and found Manik at a corner rack, smelling the pages of the book.

"Why do you keep smelling them?"

He looked at her shocked at her sudden burst but then calmed himself and said with a smile, "Well, hello to you too Nandini! And I smell them because they feel heaven. You too try it."

She made and we face but then he convinced her.

She was actually smiling after smelling them and said "Wow!"

"So, which title are you gonna purchase today?" He asked.

"Let's see, I did a little research and I think I would like to refer a book by Stuti Changle."

"You can try RK Narayan as well. His books are amazing."

She nodded and then went to look for books.

It has now been a few months visiting there and it has become a ritual for them to meet and talk about different books. Nandini had also made improvements in her health and she also started having feelings for Manik but she didn't know how to confess.

She went again to the bookshop but strangely, today it was empty. She went forward and saw a book vertically kept.

She picked it up and read the title: "Come forward."

She smiled, a little confused. She went forward and saw another book kept a little out of the rack. She went near and read the title "How to tell you" she looked around and found a book kept on the stand which read "What I feel for you". She observed around and found a book lying on the floor which had the title, "You are my comfort". She was now very confused when she found Manik at a corner on his knees. She went near him when he suddenly held a book in both of his hands and held it out in front of her. The title was "I love you"

She smiled. Till now she had tears in her eyes. She bent on her knees and hugged him tightly. He hugged her back and whispered: "What is you answer, Nandu?"

She broke the hug, held the book he was holding and took a marker from the side of the rack. She then wrote "2" in continuation to "I love you". He smiled broadly and they hugged again. Suddenly, heart balloons started falling on them. Nandini got up and started enjoying it.

She saw Manik standing and looking at her fondly with his arms crossed. She went near him.

"Were you this sure that I would say yes?"

He gave her a book. She looked at the title which was "I know you more than yourself"

She smiled and hugged him again. He kissed her forehead, sealing their love forever.

Book had played the cupid here.

So, here is the update after a looooonnnnggggg time but what to do yaar, I didn't find any good plot.

Yesterday I went to a bookstore to buy books and that's how the plot came to my mind.

P.s: All the book titles mentioned are fictional. They have no relatability with real life titles.

I hope you liked it and if you did, please vote, comment and follow me for more such cute OS ❤

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