☘︎ 𝐂𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐬 𝐌𝐮𝐬𝐞

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Yah, Jimin! Liars go to hell, man.” Lisa added.

Jimin, I know you're very much inlove with Yoongi-hyung but nominating him for the class muse is a clear no no. Sorry.” Namjoon said earning a huge pout from the pinkhead and another huge wave of blush on Yoongi's pale cheeks, “Other nominations? Jaehyun?” he asked.

The silverhaired guy stood up with his ever handsome smile, “I respectfully nominate the girl I'm inlove with, Roseanne Park.” he bravely said, confessing his undying love for the girl, which the whole school already knows.

Hearing the girl's name pulled Jennie back from her trance. She glared at the guy, “What did you say?”

Jaehyun smirked at her, “I said I'm nominating the girl I'm inlove with, Roseanne Park.”

Tsh.” Jennie scoffed before rolling her eyes at him, “As if she feels the same way.” she muttered to herself but it was loud enough for those who're sitting close to her.

What did you say?” the guy asked, lifting a challenging brow at her.

Stop it, man. Park wouldn't like it if you treat her that way,” Suho said to him, pertaining to Jennie.

He’s right,” Baekhyun nodded.

I move that this cringey nomination for muse be closed,” Jennie said without raising her hand, not even minding to stand up. Talkin' about attitude, she even rolled her eyes.

That's Jennie Kim for you.

I second the motion.” Jisoo and Irene whose sitting beside each other nodded boredly at the same time, high fiving each other after.

It was almost the end of the voting for the position when someone's cold presence barged in, Roseanne Park. Followed by her her friends namely Mino Song, Cai Xukun, Jackson Wang and Kim Jongin. They followed her in her own pace as she walked slowly to her seat without greeting the adviser in front nor uttering their apologies for being late, Hae-in could only shook his head at them whilst Taehyung swallowed hard in fear at the sight of the girl.

They are used to her being like this. No one would even dare to get in her way, nor bother her in any way.

Not when everyone knows she's the only daughter of the owner of the school, not to mention she was a blackbelter and so as are the four guys behind her.

P-Park, who do you guys vote for our class muse?” Namjoon hesitantly asked before she could even take her seat.

Roseanne stopped on her tracks and looked at the names on the board blankly.

Irene.” She said flatly, making the girl blush.

Yah! Why not me? You said you like me!” Jennie said as she rose from her seat with knitted brows and a huge moue on her supple looking lips.

Roseanne pokerfacedly nodded at her, “That is because she's the prettiest in this class. But voting for her won't change the fact that I like you and no one else. So stop sulking.”

Ow.” Jisoo grinned as she and the whole class teasingly eyed Jennie whose now blushing terribly, not knowing how to respond to the blonde's disarming statement.

The entire class suppressed their squeals in fear of putting Roseanne in an even worse mood.

Roseanne's friends situated themselves on their usual seats at the corner of the room, joining Chanyeol, grinning evilly at the sullen looking Jaehyun as if they knew it was him who nominated Roseanne.

𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐄𝐍𝐍𝐈𝐄 𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐒Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu