Chapter 1

69 7 2

(Your outfit

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(Your outfit. Not mine)

What am I? I'm someone who reveals magic tricks but my tricks hardly get revealed. I was watching as someone just did the Signed Card to Pocket trick. Everyone clapped while I walked to the front.

"Clever trick, but I know how you did it" The man turned to me with a smile. "How do you think I did it pretty lady?" I folded my arms and looked at him. "In simple terms, you palmed the top card, the card that you asked someone to sign. You hid the card in your palm and put it in your pocket. You then took it out acting like it was in your pocket, when it wasn't" I smirked and watched his smirk disappear.

"Yeah. I thought so. Have a goodnight" I walked away to my Flat.

[At your flat]

I walked in and collapsed on the couch. When I reached for the remote I saw a card on top of it. I took it in my hand, it was a tarot card. The Moon card to be exact.

(That's what the card looks like

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(That's what the card looks like. Not my picture)

I turned it on the back and it said March 29, 4:44 PM. 45 East Evan St. NY NY. I shrugged and went to my room to go to bed

'I'll go because, why not? I ain't got nothing to do tomorrow' I thought.

[The next day]

[The next day]

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(Your outfit. Not mine)

The cab stopped outside the place where I was supposed to go. I walked into the building and up the stairs seeing three people.

"Well, this is an interesting turn of events" I said walking up to them. I pointed to the door, "door's locked" the redhead said. A man came up to me and stared intensely, "Let me guess..... Y/n? Is that your name?" He asked. I nodded and smiled. "Yeah, that's my name." I heard footsteps behind me and saw another man with a leather jacket. "Nice jacket" We both said to each other.

He then turned to the brunette man saying, "No way.  J. Daniel Atlas? Dude I've seen everything that you've ever done. You're like..... I idolize you. Seriously" The whole encounter was pretty interesting to be honest. "I'm Jack, by the way." Atlas then asked, "Question. Did you get one of these?" He asked holding up his tarot card. "Yeah. Death" "The High Priestess" "I'm the lover"

The redhead the cough talked saying 'three minutes'. "Hermit" they looked at me and I showed them my card. "I'm the moon. So are we waiting for someone?" I asked. "The door's locked" Jack then walked up to it saying, "Oh, no. Nothing's ever locked" He opened the door and walked inside looking around.

"Ugh!" "Wow. Thought my apartment was nasty" The hermit said. I nodded agreeing. I looked on the floor and saw a rose. I picked it up, "A rose by any other name" I put it down. I heard Jack say to us, "Look at that" I looked down seeing dry ice start to fill up the floor. "Wait. What do you think this is all about?" I asked everyone. "Hang on. Hang on.... I got nothin' ", Hermit said. "Okay. Thank you. Thank you for the delay" Atlas said to put in his input.

"I'm just trying to create the space for wisdom" Hermit responded. "Okay, so you're like Buddha, if he wasn't so enlightened" Atlas said adding his two cents. "And you're like Jesus, if he was arrogant and all of his miracles were fake" I said to Atlas smiling at the end. "Okay, lovebirds, get a room" "Danny, be honest. Did you do this?" Redhead asked. "No. Wait, did you?" He asked me. I shook my head.

Merritt then messed with a lightbulb turning it on and making a projection display in front of us. We all walked towards it looking at it. "Blueprints" "They're incredible" "Who do you think did this?" Asked Jack. "I have no idea" I responded. "But I really wanna meet them" Redhead said after me. "It's a show" Her and I said at the same time.

I wonder what's gonna happen now~

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