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Darkness enveloped her.

Streetlamps flickered ahead, their glow dimly lighting up the path of damp mud she was walking on. Then all of a sudden the lights stopped. Everything was black. Realising she still had to get away, the mysterious creature would most likely still be able to see her in the dark, she ran. The young blonde was lost, she didn't know how to get out of where she was, or in fact where she was at all, all she knew was that she had to get away.

Dark green trees blocked her every exit. Cracked gravestones interrupting her path. The mud she trampled through on her escape was beginning to stick to her pants, weighing her down, making her inevitably slower. Many gravestones were broke in two from teenagers having  what they would call 'a good time'. The young girl looked back, scared of what she might see, having heard the winds roars she became even more paranoid. The pathway to the side of her was made out of broken stones, sharp edges sticking out into her way, stabbing into the soles of her shoes. In daylight the graveyard looked like a bomb had fell upon it. Gravestones scattered like dead bodies after a war. The place looked so obviously haunted, things moving every few days with no explanation.

The young girl was still running, slipping every few strides from the viscous mud. The branches of the drooping depressed trees surrounding her made the loudest sound, as if deep bells were constantly hitting each other. The leaves made the sound of a rattlesnake all but added to the already chilling atmosphere.

The girl's face became more distraught through every second. Her small grey eyes widening by the minute, the normal brightness that usually ran through them dead.  On her face there was no trace of the girl she used to be, now she was the weak one hiding underneath. She ran through endless puddles trying to run from her chaser.  Her heart was hammering inside her chest as she ran faster through the mud that was trying to stop her. Her mind wailed at her, telling her to stop, to look behind her, to see what it actually was that was chasing her. She had only seen a mass of black when she first looked back. She was now too afraid to actually see the face.

The scent of her running through the pounding rain tempted the chaser. Making him run faster, all more determined to catch her. The blonde slowed breathing heavily from her attempted escape.

The noise from both trees and her breathing combined became almost too loud. The mud on her shoes and pants were hardening, becoming heavier on her legs. The chaser was catching up to her, her scent becoming stronger with every tread. She knew the inevitable, she knew her future, she knew many people's futures. That was the problem.

A cold stone-like hand caught her arm...

*Yeah I was bored, and this was my school work, descriptive writing, opening to a gothic novel. Woo. Fun. I thought I might as well share it now:)




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