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Welcome to "Wizarding, Magical, Mischief!" a Harry Potter Fanfiction knockout tournament!

I have seen many contests around here but I decided to go a bit differently. I along with my friend, April, alhomoraesthetic , will be accepting 8 fanfictions and the first round will have four pairs, each having a judge reading through the books and the score will decide which book moves ahead. Then there will be a second round before moving onto the final round! I hope that made sense.... I was originally going to do 16 books but I realized it may take even longer and may not finish until almost September or so.

This is for fun, so please only enter if you won't mind being eliminated from the competition. We don't want anyone feeling hurt or a participant getting mad at the judge or us for being out from the contest. It's just for fun!

We will accept judges as we need them, meaning for round one will take in four and then two different judges for the next and for the final round, we will do the judging ourselves!

All eras from the Wizarding World are accepted, so that includes: Scamander, Marauders, Golden Trio, Next Generation. AU's are also welcome.

This contest will close for participants as soon as we accept 8 entries, judges section may not close right away.

Hopefully it all works out and maybe if this is successful it can happen again!

Rules and forms are next!

Thank you! <33

- Serina and April

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