cali gets kidnapped part two

Start from the beginning

The man turned and headed out of the room. California followed silently. They made their way into an underground garage. A number of black cars with heavily tinted windows came into sight. The man led California to one of these cars and motioned for him to get into the back seat. As soon as he was seated, he felt a prick in his arm. He tried fighting to stay conscious but the drug won out and his vision quickly faded to black.


Around a dozen states joined Gov, Texas, Florida, Louisiana, New York, Colorado, and Utah in the living room that evening. It had actually been Nebraska's idea to have a movie night. A way to distract themselves while waiting for the good news from Gov (in a house with fifty people, no secrets were kept quiet long). Everyone was lounging around, confident they would be celebrating California's safe return soon enough.

An hour into the movie, Gov excused himself as his phone started ringing. The movie was paused and the gathered states held their breath, all trying to overhear the conversation.

"What do you mean, empty?" Gov demanded. He paused as whoever he was talking to replied. Florida and Louisiana traded a concerned look. "Yeah, okay... okay, thank you."

Gov reentered the room, a disappointed look on his face.

"They didn't find him?" Colorado asked, his voice small.

Gov shook his head. He took a moment to compose himself before speaking. "They were able to confirm he was there, but the place was cleared out when the FBI went in. They're trying to track where they might have gone."

"Why'd they wait?" Texas demanded angrily.

"They had to make certain," Gov explained patiently. "They can't just barge in somewhere until they're one hundred percent sure."

New York scoffed. "Yeah, right."

Gov sighed. "I want him back safe too, guys. It's just... taking longer than expected."

Texas stood, his eyes hard. "I'm gonna rip every last one of them apart when we find 'im."

Texas stormed outside, the front door slamming shut. The room was deathly silent for a few minutes, only Colorado and Florida's sniffles being heard.

"Can we help in any way?" Ohio finally broke the silence by asking.

"Just remind your people to report any suspicious behavior or people they notice," Gov answered. He sounded defeated. "I'm going to my office if anyone needs me."

Colorado peeled himself from Utah's arms. "Coco?" Utah asked softly, concern in his voice.

"I'm going to my room," Colorado whispered, walking away.

"Please don't smoke," Utah requested.

Colorado froze in the doorway. "My brother's been kidnapped and missing for weeks. I can't do this sober anymore."

Florida and Louisiana stood up simultaneously. "Flo an' I'll join ya," Louisiana offered. He turned towards Utah. "I'll keep an eye on 'im, make sure he don't overdo it."

Utah nodded once, sitting back on the sofa. The three left, stopping at the kitchen for some alcohol before heading up to Colorado's bedroom.

Alabama stood next. He turned to Mississippi and Georgia. "Let's go talk to Texas, y'all," he suggested. Mississippi and Georgia nodded, following Alabama outside.

"I want to shoot something," New York mumbled after the southern states left.

New Jersey grinned. "Let's go to the range."

"It's been wicked long since we did that," Massachusetts noted.

"Penny, you got our guns still?" Connecticut asked.

Pennsylvania nodded. "Yeah, locked up in my room. C'mon, let's go."

The northeast states left. Utah, Nebraska, Iowa, and Missouri were left behind in the living room.

"Um, do we finish the movie, or..." Iowa wondered.

Nebraska and Missouri shrugged. Utah nodded. "We might as well. Nothing we can really do anyway..."



California opened his eyes, heart pounding. Gunshots rang out in a distant part of the warehouse. He could hear faint screaming and people yelling. He pulled himself into a sitting position, shifting the chain that was securing his leg to the wall so he could sit cross-legged.

The sound of gunfire and screaming grew louder. He shivered as his door opened and slam shut. His kidnapper strode into the room, no longer wearing his lab coat. He was dressed in all black and wore a large backpack.

"Guess it's your lucky day," he announced. He rifled through one of the locked drawers across the room from the bed, pulling out a thick envelope. "Honestly thought they would have gotten you sooner. Well, their delay gave me plenty of time to get everything I needed from you, and then some."

The man stepped over to the bed. He stabbed a needle into California's arm and emptied the contents with a quick press. "I appreciate your cooperation this past month. Don't worry, I'll be back."

As the sounds outside the room continued to get closer, the man left through a hidden door in the room. A few moments later, the main door was knocked down. California flinched and shifted his attention to the rescue party.

Seven FBI agents poured into the room, guns out and ready. One of them spotted California sitting on the bed and motioned for his partners to secure the rest of the room. "Eagle spotted," he spoke into a radio.

California remained silent as the agents cleared the room. A dozen or so more could be heard in the hallway, creating a perimeter and clearing the surrounding rooms and halls. The agent who spotted him lowered his gun and walked up to the kidnapped states, hands up and palms facing out.

California's heartbeat sped up anyway as the man stopped a foot from the bed. He struggled to focus on the man and what he was saying.

"I'm Agent Wallace," the man announced. "We - my partners and I - are here to help you. Can you tell me your name?"

Panic started to take hold in his drugged mind. Was this a trick? A test?

"Meyers!" Agent Wallace called out, his tone low so as to not scare California any more than he already was. "I need you and Reyes."

Two women stepped over. California shrunk back, leaning hard into the concrete wall behind him, flinching as his raw skin rubbed against the uneven surface. Agent Wallace stepped away from the bed and spoke into his radio again.

"Hi there," one of the women greeted, her voice gentle. She knelt on the floor so she was at California's level.  California stared past her, not meeting her gaze. "I'm Agent Amy Meyers. And this is Agent Shelby Reyes. You can just call us Amy and Shelby if you want. We're from the Federal Bureau of Investigation. We're here to help."

The other woman, Shelby, nodded. "Can you tell us your name?"

California bit his lip, shaking his head. He hadn't spoken a word in weeks. The repercussions were just too much.

"Are you California?" Amy asked.

California nodded.

"Do you know where you are?" Amy wondered.

California shook his head.

"We're going to get a stretcher in here and get you out," Shelby said. "Can you move?"

California shook his head again.

"Amy, look," Shelby said, pointing to the chain attached to California's ankle.

Amy nodded. "We need a stretcher and bolt cutters in here," she spoke into the radio.

California's vision started swimming. Amy and Shelby started speaking to him again, but he couldn't make sense of their words anymore. His body felt heavy and in just a few minutes darkness took over once again. The last thing he heard was his kidnapper's final words to him repeating in his head: Don't worry, I'll be back.

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