Chapter 7

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Sasuke was ferocious not only he was told by kakashi that he never train the uchiha ever again but he was going to train naruto

Sasuke: that damn bastard, this all his fault, he should have just stay died and what's up with that power!?!?! I have it me an uchiha elite not him!

?????: then allow me to help gain that power you deserve

Sasuke: huh! So yourself

Out of the shadows come out old man with bandages around his right eye and and right arm

Danzo: I am danzo shimura

Sasuke: what did you mean by you would help get power?

Danzo: simple sasuke I will train you to become stronger, with my training you will be powerful enough to kill itachi and naruto, so what you say lord uchiha

sasuke smiled and shake hands with danzo

Scene change

In the mountains was sudden shock wave caused was the fists of naruto and kakashi clashing, the two jump back then rush towards each other and want into a taijutsu battle, the copy ninja couldn't believe it the strength of his student

The fight want on for a few more minutes before kakashi tried sweep the legs of naruto but the white hair ninja jump over the copy ninja and smack his palm into kakashi's back, sending kakashi flying into a rock and hitting it

Kakashi: a-alright taijutsu training is done for now, ow my back

Naruto: you okay sensei

Kakashi: I'm petty sure my back is broken but beside that, yeah I'm good

Kakashi grabbed a paper out of his pocket and give to naruto

Kakashi: now it's time for ninjutsu, put some chakra into the paper and we can see what chakra nature you have

When chakra was add to the paper, it was cut in three strips one of the turned to ash while the second one crumbled

Kakashi: holy shit! You have wind, fire and lightning release, that's petty impressive

Naruto: so what's the next step

Kakashi: summon shadow clans and we have them train in element control exercise

In puff of smoke, there was hundred clones of the uzumaki, from the orders of kakashi and they split into groups of fifty to train the respective element

Kakashi: now I will teach you two jutsu, the first one is chidori but since there is the problem with the tunnel vision, the next jutsu is the one that my sensei created the rasengan

Naruto nodded

Timeskip few days later

The sounds of hundreds bird echoed through the mountain, naruto rush towards a rock and pierced it, the rock explode into multiple of pieces

Naruto: damn *breathing heavily* the tunnel vision is much worse then I expected *sigh* I will only use this for assassination

Kakashi: that enough training for today, foods ready after we done, I will teach you the little wind jutsu I know

The two site down and eat their food, naruto stop eating and look sensei who was eating through his mask, Naruto's face just showed confused as no genjutsu was being used

Naruto: h-ho-w *sigh* (I'm not going to question it) sensei I have question

Kakashi: shoot

Naruto: can a person have a different power that isn't chakra

Kakashi: why? you want to know about senjutsu?

Naruto look at his hand as the weird energy surrounded it: sensei...... im sure whatever this energy is going through my body isn't chakra or senjutsu, this feels...........sinister

Kakashi was confused and worried, he noticed the energy and had no idea what it could be


The stadium was being filled with crowds of villagers from the leaf and other villages, everyone was excited to see the battles, the hokage and kazekage were in their seats ready to being

Genma: alright I hope you guys are ready, we are going to start the first match, everyone who isn't naruto uzumaki or neji hyuga leave please

As the other fighters left, neji look at naruto with arrogance and superiority like the white hair boy was nothing more then a worm

Neji: you should give up, destiny already declared my victory

Naruto said nothing and only showed a stoic face, he just brought Yamato up and made it disappeared in blue particles then spoke with cold tone

Naruto: you aren't worthy to be strike down by Yamato hyuga

Neji narrowed his eyes: I was being nice to you but I'm going to beat you failure

Genma felt pity for the hyuga: okay you two are ready then....... FIGHT!

Neji activated his bakugan and he froze for a minute as he could see a different energy flowing through naruto but quickly got his composure back, he rush towards the uzumaki and tried to block his chakra point but he hit nothing

Neji quickly turned to the left to hit naruto but the hyuga was uppercutted, naruto did hand signs and let out his jutsu

Naruto: lightning style: false darkness

lightning in the shape of a spears shot out from Naruto's mouth, neji don't have time to dodge and the lightning spears pierce through his arms and knock off his headband, he fall painful on the floor as he let scream

Naruto: done already? This barely a warm up

Neji: this isn't suppose to be happening destiny sh——

Naruto: will you shut up! All you talk about is destiny this, destiny that

Neji: a-a failure like you will never understand, my destiny was already decided the moment the cage bird seal was put on me!

Neji got up and with pain removed the bandages from his forehead to show seal

Neji: this is t——

He never finish as naruto had his fist planted in the gut of neji, said hyuga spite out blood

Naruto: tell it to someone who cares but I guess if you really do believe in destiny then your destiny as shinobi ends here

In swift movement, the arms of neji were cut off, he let out blood curdling scream

Genma: winner naruto uzumaki.....

The applause came from the villagers who weren't from the leaf, naruto just walk away not care if neji died from blood lost, naruto pull his hand out and in blue particles Yamato appeared once more

End of chapter 7

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