Part 3- Battle of the Pridelands again and the Truth

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Author's Note: When it says Battle of the Pridelands again. The battle is against Zira and her lions not including Kovu and Vitani.   Kovu and Vitani and her friends are on the good side not the evil side. The side Zira is on. Here's part 3 of The Future of the Lion Guard. Enjoy my Crystals. Bye.


Bunga: Kion?

Kion: Yes, Bunga.

Bunga: A few friends of ours are here, but not with good news.

Kion: What do you mean, Bunga?

Bunga: Janja and Jasiri are here with another cheetah.

Kion and Rani: What?

Azaad: Mibinamet!

Fuli and Rani: Azaad!

Fuli: You know him?

Rani: Yes, he came to the Tree of Life for healing.

Azaad: Yes, it's true. Queen Janna healed Azaad after an unexpected fall. She will be missed dearly.

Rani: Thank you. But did you come because of another unexpected fall. *Laughs*

Azaad: No, some hyenas asked Azaad for some help to get to the Tree of Life.

Janja: Azaad, wait for us.

Kion: Janja? Jasiri? What are y'all doing here?

Jasiri: Kion, you and the Lion Guard need to come back to the Pridelands now.

Kion: Why?

Jasiri: You won't like this. Zira is back.

Bunga: But I thought, they were gone since Kion roared them out of the Pridelands and the Outlands.

Janja: They were. But now, we need to go now before she attacks.

Kion: Okay, Lion Guard.

Rani: Kion?

Kion: Rani, as long as we have the Mark of the Guard, we have to protect the Pridelands.

Rani: Okay then, but Kion, you and your friends are welcome to the Tree of Life. And think about what I offered to you.

Kion: Okay thanks, Rani. Lion Guard 'Til the Pride Lands end,

Anga, Ono, Beshte, Fuli, Janja, Jasiri and Bunga: Lion Guard defend!

Narrator Lucky: When Kion, Janja, Jasiri and the Lion Guard reach the Pridelands

Kion: Thank you, Janja and Jasiri.

Jasiri: No problem Kion. That's what friends do. Well, bye guys.

Kion: Bye Jasiri and Janja.

Kion: Mom! Dad!

Simba and Nala: Kion!!! Your back!! We missed you and the Lion Guard.

Kion: We heard that Zira was back. Is it true?

Simba: Yes it is. Sadly. She plans to attack us tonight at sunset.

Kion: Okay, how about we get some rest before she attacks.

Simba: Okay come on Nala.

Nala: Okay, Simba.

Kion: In the meantime, Anga and Ono, I want you guys to fly around and check everywhere for Zira and her lions. Come to me, when you spot her and her lions.

Anga and Ono: Okay, Kion.

Kion: As for the rest of us, we need to prepare and be on high alert.

Fuli, Beshte and Bunga: You got it, Kion.

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