Third time is the charm

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Sweeney stood horrified under the pouring rain, staring at the lifeless body of young Arthur Haide. Just a few minutes ago, he was about to sail away to the promised land, spurred on by the effervescent dreams of his youth. Marriage, a family, a good job and an overall prosperous life awaited him, but his future had been cruelly snatched from him. Because of Sweeney's meddling. Still in a state of disbelief that did not allow his guilt to fully manifest, he caught a glimpse of Eleanor out of the corner of his eye and managed to grab her before she ran towards her dead lover. He pulled her down so they were hiding behind a big wooden box. They couldn't afford the police officers that had likely shot Arthur to see them. They'd immediately know they'd helped him escape, they had to save themselves.

Trying to think of a plan, he looked at Nellie, sitting on the cobblestones next to him. A blank look on her face and torrent of tears falling steadily from her eyes. He'd never seen such a resilient woman, whom he once thought must have been made from a different material than the rest of them mortals, look so petrified. Despite knowing it was not the best idea considering what had just happened between them, he couldn't refrain from wrapping his arms around her, drawing her to him.

"Don't" she suddenly snapped, as soon as he touched her. He jerked away from her, shocked by her rejection, a strange ache overtaking his heart, adding to the overall grief he was feeling. Before he could say or do anything, they heard a familiar voice amongst the tumult.

"Ha! The street rat is finally dead! That's what you get for messing with the honourable Mr. Lovett of Fleet Street! This bastard tried to rob me twice and now his soul is on its way to hell!" his landlord rejoiced. "Now, you better find where my money is! If he doesn't have it with him, he must have hid it around! Check that bloody ship first!"

As they listened to Albert ordering the policemen around as if they were his servants, Sweeney and Nellie shared an alarmed look, before their eyes settled on the travel bag that rested at their feet. It was only a matter of time until they found them. "And find my wife too! She can't be far! Find her and bring her to me! Nellie!"

"You have to go home" Nellie's practicality spoke despite the obvious shock she was still in. "Grab the bag and put the money and my belongings in its place. Quick! Before they see you!"

"I'm not leaving you here" Sweeney stated. They were in it together, he was not about to abandon her.

"This is not the time to be a gentleman, love. I can hold my own" her voice was firm but her eyes had visibly softened as she looked up at him. "You have a family. They need you" At the mention of his family, he hesitated. Lucy and Johanna would be lost without him. They'd be at mercy of vultures like Turpin, just like they were in his original timeline. "Go and save yourself. I'll be fine."

She flashed him a smile that was meant to be reassuring, but it did not fully manage to conceal how afraid she really was. But before he could try to convince her to stay hidden, to think of another plan that didn't involve turning herself in, she stood up so she was no longer concealed by the box.

"Nellie!" screamed Albert and even though Sweeney could not see her, he could clearly picture her walking towards her husband, head held high like a queen, proud. And then he heard it, the heart-stopping sound of a slap louder than thunder. Sweeney could not help but take a peek, careful not to be seen. Eleanor was leaning forward in obvious pain, her hand cradling the side of her face the butcher had just viciously slapped. It both shocked and angered him and he had to fight the urge to come out of his hiding and protect Nellie from this bastard who was once again raising his hand to slap her.

But an unexpected hero came and put a hand on Albert's shoulder, prompting him to suddenly stop mid-air. It was none other than Beadle Bamford, still in his nightgown and nightcap. He and the butcher must have become very good friends in such a short time for him to leave his bed in the middle of the night to help his chum. He said something to Albert that Sweeney couldn't hear but Mr. Lovett lowered his hand and took a step back, putting some distance between them. He looked at Eleanor with contempt, the sting of her betrayal perfectly reflected in his beady eyes. The Beadle, on the other hand, flashed her a smile that could only be described as perverted. What if the reason for his frequent visits to Fleet Street and his growing closeness to Albert was Nellie? What if he wanted her just like Turpin had wanted Lucy in his original timeline? Jealousy bubbled inside of him but he tried to pass it off as concern, despite knowing the Beadle was not as dangerous as the judge and Nellie was not as innocent as Lucy.

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