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Zane looked at Clouse and his body pulsed and throbbed as he grew into a beast of unimaginable weight."FOOD!!!!!" He roar and everyone surrounded him as though he was king. Clouse just smiled vengeance was his.

The former nindroid managed to outsize an entire city block at this rate, in order to move he would need to be rolled by his new servants. Anything and everything edible in sight was fed to the largest dragon, Clouse knew he would soon cover the entire city under his flabby rolls. "Keep eating my pet, your gas alone will influence everyone to do as you please."

Loud roars and flatulence engulfed Ninjago in a plum cloud of green haze. Clouse marveled at his plan in sheer joy."How are we going to get to the treatment plant" Jay said.

"I managed to get you out using one of those greasy burgers as bait. We'll just have to get Zane there and dunk him in the water. If he turns back it should also affect everyone who smelled his gas." Nya suggested. "Can you fly with those wings? Carry one of those cakes and get him to follow you."

"I can try but it feels like in I go I will be dunked to because my wings feel like they shriveling away".Nya sighed " I hope that doesn't happen but if does I don't know what will happen to you".

Taking a deep breath, Jay grabbed a bag full of burgers and flew as best he could to the crowd of dragons. "Hey everyone! Want some grub?"The smaller dragons, including the former ninja were quick to follow, however Zane growled, flapping his wings and lifting up after him. "FOOD!!"

Jay flew to the treatment plant. He dropped the burgers. One by one the Dragons all lunge into the water each fizzling out like lava. Clouse screamed " no".

The warlock wasn't going to give up so easily, using his magic he devoured the rest of the cream left. "You might have changed back those little ninja, but I still have Zane!" He roared, feeling himself grow and swell to the droid's size, gas bubbling up in his gut.Nya was unsure if the water would be able to change the two of them back, but her best bet was to put Zane back into his right head. "Jay, fly me up to Zane's head, I'll stuff him full of water myself!"

"Are you sure" He said. He sighed and Nya shot the water in. Zane let out a loud shriek that broke all the windows on every building causing Clouse to fall in cake.

The droid groaned as he held his head, realizing now just how flabby he became. In front of him was the transformed warlock, covered in icing and looking furious. "You ninja!! You always wreck plans!" He grunted, the icing was causing him to grow dumber as well as fatter. But before Zane could retort, he was rammed by the rival dragon.The two flabby beasts sumo wrestled into the streets, with Zane giving him one final push into the vat of sludge that was under the club.

"Is it over" Jay looked. And Clouse didn't get out the fight was done. The Ninja all reunited the fight was won.Elsewhere, Clouse let out a fart as he ate a burger accepting his newfound gluttony.



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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2022 ⏰

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