Chapter Ten: Hi, Five

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There is no pain, you are receding
A distant ship, smoke on the horizon
You are only coming through in waves
Your lips move but I can't hear what you say

TW// Allusions to SA (no actual mention), mention of throwing up, injection


I allow my feet to carry me wherever. In all honesty, I don't really care where I go. I just need to be away from him.

It takes me too long to register the flashing lights up ahead. The trailer park is bathed in a blur of red and blue, every single unit alight. Faces watch me from the windows.

My trailer is up ahead. All the lights are on, casting long shadows across the gravel. Silhouettes move around within. I can't make out who they are but I see the familiar shape of an officer's hat rippled by lace curtains.

An ambulance and two patrol cars wait outside. All this time I have been approaching, it's like I've been on autopilot. It's too late to leave now.

The figure leaning against the railing is illuminated by the warm light of a cigarette. He stumps it out the moment that he sees me, tossing it into the bin. Black eyes widen with a look I don't recognise as he nears me. His ringed hands grip my shoulders. "God, I was freaking out. Where have you been? W-What the hell happened to your arm?"

"Nothing. I'm fine. What's going on?"

He speaks hurriedly, "I hadn't heard from you, figured I'd check in. She was— Sh-She was just on the sofa."

I feign confusion. "Who?"

A body is wheeled out of the house in a gurney. Black fabric hides the face from sight but I already know exactly what she looks like underneath it. Those eyes stare back at me each time I let my guard down.

The lump in my throat grows. Before either of us can speak, an officer approaches — the sterner one out of the two, far more purposeful with each step he takes towards us. He fixes me with a look, half pity and half caution. "Miss Smith, you might wanna take a seat."

I obey, moving to the nearby picnic bench. Eddie tries to join us but a warning look his way urges him to wait by the trailer instead.

Sighing, the officer carefully crafts the news, clearly wanting to make this a little easier on me. "Your mother was found this afternoon. I'm sorry, Kid. It seems she passed away. We're still trying to determine the cause of death. I wish I didn't have to ask you this, but... is there anything you know? Any people who'd want her dead? Only asking 'cause of recent events, you know how it goes."

"No, I don't, but I guess it doesn't matter. I don't know anyone. Mom never really told me anything about her life. No exes or anything like that."

His eyes narrow. "What about your dad? You don't live with him, right? Could he have some kind of grudge against her because of that?"

I can't help but laugh but my face soon falls. I shake my head. "I guess you could ask him but it might be a little difficult. He's been dead for six years." I add through gritted teeth, "I have no other relatives."

Nodding slowly, he consults his notepad. "Your mom hasn't worked for a while, is that true?" I shrug. "How have you been paying the bills?"

"I work a few jobs. It's all labelled in the box under the sink. I'd be happy to unlock it for you but I'd rather have a lawyer present if you're trying to imply anything."

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