Dracula the Game Developer

Start from the beginning

Dracula watched and held Lisa's hand, perhaps there was a chance to make a better world.

Dracula then announced the sequel, Simon's Quest, which was considered an amazing sequel.

Trevor raised an eyebrow, "Simon's quest?" He asks unsure how to feel.

Dracula spoke at the next convention, "Simon's Quest will see you returning as Simon Belmont. He has been given a death curse by Dracula right before defeating him. It is up to you to find the bones of Dracula and burn them in order to lift the curse. In this game, it will not just take place at Dracula's Castle, but it will take you all across Transylvania. There will be secrets, there will be various boss battles and a day and night transition."

Sypha was glued to the screen as she was taking down notes like a mad woman, "Amazing!"

"Quite remarkable, I must say." Carmilla said, petting her baby beaver and panther.

Lisa's smile never left her face, "Why you never decided to be an author of stories, I'll never know."

"Perhaps when we get back, I will." Dracula said, looking at her.

After the release of Simon's Quest, it helped kick start Video Game Award ceremonies, much like the Oscars with Simon's Quest earning Game of the Year.

A segment is seen of Dracula accepting the award with a smile, before more time passes as the bit wars began showing the consoles being the SNES, Sega, and many others.

Hector claps his hands, "Well done my Lord! To win an award must be rather good."

VEGA chirps into Ace's ear. "Yes back when gaming meant something... before the era of the loot boxes and microtransactions."

"So many different consoles, the technology must have improved a lot." Sypha said with wonder.

"Was I ever in a game?" Trevor asked.

VEGA's chirp was heard as he answered, "Yes, in fact you were in the third game which we will be coming to soon."

Onscreen gaming magazines showed Dracula being mysterious as the question was on all the covers, "Whats Next for Castlevania?" Until it comes to E3 as the stage is dressed up like a castle graveyard with fog showing that Dracula is gonna make a dramatic entrance.

Lisa rolled her eyes as she said with a jovial voice, "Oh sure, just flaunt your money around. Not like your humble or anything."

"Oh come now, it's all flair and theatrics." Dracula said with a chuckle.

Adrian went to say somthing until Greta spoke up, "Hush now, the show's about to begin."

Dracula walked towards the stage, wearing his traditional vampire like clothes. He spoke in a dark voice. "There is a curse upon the land of Wallachia. Dracula's reign has begun, and it is up to Trevor Belmont, the ancestor to Simon Belmont, and others to stop him."

Those watching were on the edge of their seats, while Lisa was impressed with her husband's acting skill.

Trevor narrowed his eyes. "Wait a minute... That's... That's what we did. This is our adventure he's talking about."

Adrian was honestly shocked, "I must ask, is this timeline one of a few where a divergence happens?"

VEGA replied, "Yes, in this timeline all events are as they are, however there are key differences such as Carmilla not pushing to take over the world."

"Well that's disappointing." Isaac said with a straight face and a monotone voice.

Carmilla looks at Isaac as if saying 'Really?'

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