Where am I?

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(The books to come will have lots of Undertaker and Sebastian moments I promise that! I just needed a way to start this long journey.)

You open your eyes. Shooting up from your bed in pain. You wince and say to your self " Owww, what one earth happened to me!?!??" 

My memories were fuzzy..as if something was blocking me from remembering. I remember the sound of crowds cheering. A song...

🎵'Over..the hills and far away..'🎵

You look at your leg. It's all bandaged up from your knee down. You wince in pain again as you fall back onto the soft bed. All of a sudden the doors open up. You hear multiple footsteps rush up to you. You barely can hear. Sounds like whispering almost. Whatever they said to you, you didn't care much since talking was one of the things you could barely do in this state. " Hey, are you okay?" You here In a concerned voice, really close to your face. " Are you all right?" You don't answer. Just slightly move in the bed. You feel someone touch your head. Your eyes slowly open up again. You see 3 faces looking at you.

What do you do?


!. You open your eyes. Shooting up from your bed in pain. You wince. Only to be held up by a pair of arms, to keep you from falling back hard.


2. You barly speak and say. " Hello......" In a painful voice


3. You have tears trickle down your face only to have the 3 stares at you with even more concern.


4. You open your eyes and stare at them. O-O

Book 2! Black Butler/ Waking up in the Trancy demon's ManorWhere stories live. Discover now