Newcastle part 2

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Nathan's POV
It's raining cats and dogs outside this morning. I love the sound of raindrops on the window they make me feel so relaxed. It reminds me of being back home in Gloucester it rains pretty much every day. I lay quietly in bed a while then I get up. I sit on the balcony for a little bit listening to the raindrops. I work on some breathing techniques with my eyes closed sitting in silence as I prepare for the day ahead. The rain on the roof calms me down as I have a moment to wake myself up before I go and wake Laura.  I go back into the room Tom is already awake.
"Morning mate how are you?" I ask.
"Sleep was good." He answered. "She's doing so well she slept through the whole night she wasn't sick once. I kept a vigil after you went to sleep. The whole night she was cuddled up with me. The coast yesterday zonked her out." I stroke her hair gently.
"Wake up Laura," I say softly. "Open your lovely eyes." I continue stroking her hair and her eyes slowly open. "How are you today?" I kiss her head gently. 
"Much better thanks." she answers. "I feel ready for the show later."
"That's my baby girl," I beam. "Come on love lets get you up and we'll get breakfast downstairs. I'll help you find something gentle. Don't wanna undo this work and not be able to perform later do we?" Laura nods. I share a cuddle with her and we go downstairs.
"Bless her," Tom blushes. "All she wanted was to show us what her town offered. She did an amazing job, I loved the beautiful coastline. Here does amazing fish and chips."
"I agree," I sigh. "Beats the ones down in Gloucester. I'm really sorry she was sick shortly after. But at least she's alright now, today's a new day put that behind us." 
"That's right." Tom says to her. "We'll head downstairs and find something to get you through the morning." We leave the hotel and head to Wetherspoons on the quayside. Its bucketing with rain so I wrap my scarf around my mouth to keep the cold out. I take hold of her hand as we stroll along the riverbank towards the pub. Laura and I share a kiss in the rain. I warm up her face with my gloved hand she blushes when I do this. Then we find a table beside the fireplace overlooking the river.  I hold her hand for a little bit talking about my morning ritual that I sat on the hotel room balcony. I spend a moment whispering my secrets to her before the others arrive. 
"Morning Laura how are you today?" Max asks.
"I'm really good this morning." she answer
"You feeling better?" Max asks and she nods. "Aww that's amazing to hear. Tom told me everything. It was horrible seeing you like that on the train yesterday."
"She slept through the whole night." Tom adds. "Went to sleep almost immediately. Nathan made sure she was alright had a little talk to her as she slept."
"I'm so happy that she's feeling much better." Jay blushes. "We love having her on tour. We do it again later. it's always usually pretty full when we tour here."  
"Quite enjoy sold out gigs." Max adds. "so much love and support under one roof especially northern gigs. Newcastle's one of my favourite places to visit."
"Have to agree," Tom says. "This and Manchester. Which is special to me." 
"Are there any songs you want to go over in today's soundcheck?" I ask.
"can we do the first song?"
"Ah you mean Gold Forever? Of course we can. You were squeezing my hand a lot the other night. Like in Sheffield I'll whisper the chorus in your ear. How about when we get in the arena we'll play finish the lyrics." Laura nods. "I can help you with some of the songs."
"Thanks Nathan I knew I could count on you." She lays her head on my shoulder. I kiss her head gently. 
"You make a beautiful couple Nath." Siva tells me. "You're so patient with Laura making her feel safe when she's with us. I don't imagine anything will ever take her place in our hearts."
"Nothing ever will." I agree. "She has us every step of the way. She so lucky to have 5 caring protective brothers. Safe away from those Vamps." I feel Laura squeeze my hand. "Is something the matter love?"
"Its Brad he has loved ones up here. He might come back and take me away."
"Hey hey let me tell you this. I won't let him take you back. He's a horrible man who's been vile to you. If he does I'll tell him where to go. You're my girl I would hate anything to happen to you. He's banned from going anywhere near you. I'll even get Siva to tell him where to go."
"I love you," Laura sobs.
"I love you too sweetie don't cry you're safe with us. Come on its alright. I've got you its okay. Shhh sh sh sh sh. Don't cry my love." Her body is trembling.
"That's right," Siva adds rubbing her back. "If he tries to harm you he'll have to go through me first. He'll never win." she nods and snuggles into my arms. "Come on sweetie lets finish up here and them we'll head to the arena." I wrap my scarf around my mouth and take hold of her hand in mine. I help warm up her hand with my gloves. Laura sighs. 
"It's okay sweetie. I've got you. I'll keep you dry." I wrap my arm around her to keep her warm as we walk up towards the arena. The bus is still parked round the back so we shelter on there until we go to soundcheck. I dry Laura's hair then I dry mine. Laura is trembling a bit. "Are you cold?" she nods and I wrap my arms around her. Siva hands me a fleece blanket "Is that better?" Laura nods again.
"Promise me you'll keep me safe if Brad comes back."
"I promise sweetheart and I assure you he won't find us if he does he will be told where to go."
"Could you show me the setlist?"
"Of course." I hand a copy of our setlist to her. She asks to go through gold forever, drunk on love, running out of reasons and glow in the dark. "When we go in we can go over the full second act. I'll sit with you by the drums again." Laura snuggles against my chest. "I'm here sweetheart. It's alright. We're all here. Come here." I pull my 2DS out my bag and we play Mario Kart for a little bit. We take it in turns at playing a cup with me helping Laura with the controls. This time Laura finished with a silver trophy. "You're getting better and better," I tell her. We each play with Max, Tom and Jay winning a trophy. Then we have a game of Bop-it! The order of play is Tom, Jay, Siva, Max, Laura and then me. The lads are a bit competitive when they play as whenever one of us plays the wrong one they blame somebody like Jay points the finger me when Tom twists it instead of spinning. How is it my fault if I only passed it  without pressing anything? The first one out is Tom followed by me then Max then Siva, Laura finishes second Jay comes out on top. We do it a second time only I'm the first one out Laura manages to beat Jay. He isn't a happy bunny at this mind. I share a cuddle with Laura as the lads play a game of FIFA in the front lounge. I can feel Laura burying her head in the crook of my neck so we head to the kitchen. 
"Sorry were they being a bit noisy?" Laura nods. "They're just having a bit fun."
"Aww that's not bugging me its okay for them to have fun. Its just I can never play FIFA I'm so rubbish at it."
"I'm not into FIFA either." I tell her. "I'm more into this game." I pull out Brain training a game I used to love playing when I was a kid. 
"I used to love this game." Laura tells me. "You heard of Tetris?"
"I have. Mum used to love it as a kid." 
"Used to hate it when the pills stacked on the top. I felt tempted to throw it across the room. Have you ever gotten to that point?"
"Most Super Mario 2D games as its one sided. My friends used to throw me into pits onto enemies get caught off screen. I love playing games like this it calms me down I often do this before a show so I can concentrate before I warm up. I sit and have a moment to get in the zone. I get into a very relaxed state and cross my fingers for a good show." I sit her on my lap and I wrap my arms round Laura and hold the DS as she works the stylus on the screen.   "Stack it on top of the red." I whisper to her. we get as far as level 12 and this is where the germ faces cover at least half the screen  often stacked on top of each other. 
"I hate when this happens. I can never flip them in time." Laura giggles. A double blue come onto the screen then settles and then another stacks and before you know it I've messed up.
"Aww sweetie hard lines. But that was loads of fun. Do you fancy playing that again on the flight later?"
"Flight?" Laura asks feeling a bit alarmed. 
"Yeah we'll be flying overnight. Is this your first time on a plane?" 
"Yes?" Laura whispers. 
"Awww it'll be alright sweetheart you'll be sat next to me. Come on love its alright. I'll keep you safe."
"Nathan, its time to go in." Siva calls. He comes into the kitchen and has spotted me hugging Laura. "Nathan? Is she alright?"
"She's feeling scared about the flight later." I answer.
 Aww sweetie come here," Siva places his hand onto Laura's leg. "It's only a short one you'll have Nathan next to you. We'll be hyper after the show you won't even notice that we'll have taken off. Do you want one of us to sit with you and Nath?"
"Siva?" Laura whispers.
"Of course I'll sit with you. How about you sit in the middle with me on the end. We'll both give you cuddles. I'll stay with you in Dublin same with Belfast. Trust me. I know Ireland like the back of my hand. You're safe in confidence. Now lets go in and we can do some work on the setlist." I take her hand and we go into the arena.  I wrap an arm around Laura as we head to the dressing room. We have a little moment before we head to soundcheck but when we get there I get a greeting I would not expect. Brad. I can feel Laura squeezing my hand. "What are you doing on the stage?" I ask. 
"Didn't think I'd find you skivvying."
"Well its our tour and we're playing here." I retort. "anyway you shouldn't be here. Now get off before I get Jayne."
"I want what's mine." Brad tries to undo our hands. I hold Laura close to me like a koala.
"Oi get off her now!" Max yells. Jay and Siva come rushing in. 
"Well you ain't getting her she's my girl not yours.
"Stay away from her." Siva grits his teeth. "I told you in Birmingham I didn't want to see you again. But now you're back not only to get Laura but to let yourself off the hook." 
"Well that implies I'm ON the hook in the first which I'm not."
"You're capable of anything if the price is right." Jay adds.
"Well sharpen up then!"
"Don't you dare speak too him like that!" Max shouts. "Even after Monday all those tears you didn't mean it. You never humble. You just brash and harden. Oh sorry for calling you fat Laura. Well Laura isn't your problem anymore." This time Brad really was pissed off. He tries to to pull me away from her.
"Get away from her she's mine!" I hiss keeping her close to my chest. Its no use he keeps trying to rip her away. Siva and Jay lead Laura to the side of the stage. I hug her before Brad chases us. "stay away from Laura. You lay a finger on her I'll flatten you." I grit. Siva shields Laura from Brad. "Now can you leave before Jayne escorts you?" Brad wasn't finished.

Laura's POV
"No I won't you're not getting her back. You're banned from this tour. She's Nathan's now." Siva points to Brad. "This is your final warning."
"You don't belong with him you belong with me. He's so possessive over you. Clinging onto you."
"Leave it will you. I'm being protective." Nathan cuddles me to his chest. Siva is standing in front of us. 
"Listen lanky," Brad spits. "Ever since we've done this stint she's been with you more than us. Aww she's upset(!) I'll tell something to really upset you're pathetic!" Brad raises his arm. Siva ducks just time. I bury my face into Nathan's chest before I suddenly feel him collapse to the ground. 
"Get him out now!" I shriek. 
"Laura I'm sorry.."
"Never mind that Siva get him out of here." 
"Come on lets move." Max leads Brad off the stage and out the venue. "Jayne get him out of here. He assaulted Nathan."
"He did what?" Jayne is horrified.
"He tried to punch me. I moved but he may have broken Nathan's nose." Siva adds.
"You need to leave now. I cannot tolerate you harming any of the boys. Get out now!" Brad scowled. 
"This won't be the end." Brad threatens. Jayne leads him out. Siva and the boys head back towards the dressing room. 

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