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"Don't kill me just help me run away
From everyone I need a place to stay
Where I can cover up my face
Don't cry, I am just a freak"

You woke up that morning thinking it was going to be just another regular day. You stretched out of bed and while still half asleep,switched on your TV for some background noise.
When you did so the news was flashing images that made your heart completely drop.
Chrissy Cunningham was murdered.
You sat back on your bed and kept watching in shock.
"Suspect still has not been found. If anyone sees this young man please contact Hawkins Police Department. Eddie Munson is his name."
The sheriff held up a picture of Eddie as he talked.
Now your heart was shattered to complete pieces. You quickly ran across the room to grab your walkie talkie that Dustin had made sure to give everyone in Hellfire Club,each having their own channel to reach each other.
"Eddie,can you hear me?"
Nothing but static came through which caused you to panic. You could hear the details of Chrissy's murder coming from the tv which made your stomach turn.
Eddie was different but he wasn't a murderer.
You were pulling on your shoes and pushing the button to get Eddie to come on his walkie talkie at the same time
"Eddie please answer me. What's going on?"
You pleaded for answers. It took a few minutes of static before relief washed over your body when Eddie's voice came through
"Y/n is this you?"
"Yes Eddie where are you? What the hell is happening?"
You begged your eyes burning from the tears that threatened to spill out.
It was quiet for a moment before Eddie came back on
"Can you meet me at our spot?" He asked and it sounded like he was also crying.
You knew exactly where Eddie was talking about. When the two of you just wanted to get away,you always ended up at skull rock. It use to be popular but over the years had died down.
"I'm on my way."
You grabbed your shoulder bag and threw your walkie talkie in there before quickly running down the stairs.
Your heart felt like it was going to burst out of your chest as you quickly made your way to Eddie.
It didn't help your panicky feeling in the pit of your stomach when you seen that the whole town was buzzing with police. You managed to dodge them knowing if they found out you were in Eddie's club they would swarm you with questions.
The trail to skull rock in the woods took forever it seemed but eventually you found it.
Crouched under it was Eddie.
His body shook as he cried.
You asked softly as you crouched down next to him.
He looked up at you and his bottom lip kept trembling
"I didn't kill her."
He immediately stated
"I swear to God...I didn't know what to do she just started floating in the air and all I did was watch and ran off."
He wiped his tears away with the back of his hand
"I know floating in the air it sounds stupid no one's gonna believe me I'm just as good as dead once they find me."
"Eddie I believe you."
You tried your best to give him a smile but you knew deep down just as much as he did that what he said about "floating" was far from believable.
Eddie explained more to you about what had happened. How she came over to buy stuff from him and started acting weird. Next thing Eddie knew she was floating in the air and her bones began to crack.
The fear in his eyes and the way his voice would tremble as he recalled what he seen made you for sure know that he wasn't lying.
"Eddie you can't stay here in Hawkins you know that right? Your pictures are all over the news they think you did this."
That panicky feeling hit you again as you stood up in a flash,pacing back and fourth.
"You're almost as worried as I should be."
Eddie joked and reached into his pocket to pull out his pack of cigarettes.
Eddie found a way to cope with all his problems with sarcastic comments and a hit from cigarettes.
"Yeah I don't think you realize how much I love you and I can't lose you."
The words came out in the midst of your stressing and you didn't even realize what you said.
Eddie looked at you in shock,his cigarette almost falling from between his lips as he did so
"Wait you love me,y/n?"
You stopped pacing and turned towards him. Since you had already said it and everything that was going on there was no turning back.
"Yes I do. I've loved you since I met you and now I'm scared. I'm so scared that you're never gonna be with me again. You can't walk me to class can't play your guitar for me...I'm just so scared,Eddie."
You began to cry more. You were never prepared for a moment like this. Who would though?
You were probably the only girl in the world who was about to lose the love of their life over a murder they didn't commit. Hawkins had a funny way of taking all the good things.
Eddie wrapped his slender arms around your waist and pulled you in for a hug.
He held you as you cried. Time felt like it was going so slow despite how on edge both of your nerves were.
As you buried your face into his shirt an idea sprung to your mind
"We need to leave Hawkins. I still have the vista cruiser my parents bought me you can easily hide in it and we can get out of Indiana."
The tears had stopped and you were ready to spring in action
"You can stay here I'll grab the stuff we need and we can just go."
Eddie shook his head
"Y/n you can't just leave your family and your graduating this year...I'm not gonna let you ruin your life because mine is over. I'm just a freak who got what was coming to him."
Eddie shrugged like it was no big deal but his brown eyes glistened from the tears in his eyes
"Eddie you're not a freak. I don't care about any of that I just don't want to lose you. Now are you in this with me or not."
You held your hand out for him to shake to agree on your plan.
He felt selfish but you were stubborn and anything was worth a shot because he refused to go down for what happened.
He pressed his lips in a thin line and grabbed your hand
"Where exactly are we going to go?"
He asked from curiosity
"I know a family in California that can help us and fix this. You just gotta trust me."
"I trust you,y/n."

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