Roller Skates

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"Absolutely not."
Eddie looked at the roller skates in your hands with disgust.
It was one thing for you to drag him to the rink which he had already despised but to get him to put the skates on and actually do it?
Hell would have to freeze over first.
"Eddie you said you would do anything for me,correct?"
"That is but that didn't include going out there and breaking my neck for you."
Eddie crossed his arms.
You let out a frustrated sigh and looked up at your boyfriend with what he would refer to as "The Look."
"Oh no," Eddie groaned "Don't do me like that, princess."
You batted your eyelashes a little more and tried to give him the best puppy eyed look you've ever done.
"God damnit."
Was all the metalhead could say in response.
He began to angrily mutter to himself as he unlaced his boots.
You on the other hand, happily put your skates on.
Eddie finished putting his on but sat still for a moment.
He had dabbled in skateboarding before but roller skating?
Eddie would be lying if he said he knew how to even stand up in them.
"Gimme your hand."
You reached your hand out towards Eddie.
He hadn't even stood up in his skates and already his cheeks were redder than they had ever been.
"Y/n this is so embarrassing."
He groaned but obliged and took your hand in his, slowly starting to get up.
His long slender legs wobbled a little as he began to get use to the wheels.
You slowly led him the way to the rink, giggling as you felt his grip tighten up on your hand.
"Relax and follow my lead."
Eddie listened and mimicked your movement.
You held his hand as you both skated around the rink. You could hear the laughs of other people as they watched as you and Eddie skated.
You never let what other people had to say bother you and ruin your fun with Eddie.
Sure,Eddie was different than most people in Hawkins. But it wasn't something you ever thought about.
You loved Eddie for himself. And with that,you smiled proudly as you taught your boyfriend how to roller skate.
"Do you think I can let go of your hand now?"
"Why? You don't like holding my hand, princess?"
Eddie smirked as he watched you furrow your eyebrows.
"No! I mean I love holding your hand I just wanna see if you can do this."
You gave Eddie a reassuring smile. He hesitantly smiled back which made you confident enough to slip your hand from his.
Eddie wobbled a lot at fist. Slowly but surely he followed your lead. Soon enough, he was skating as if he had been doing it for years.
The wide childlike smile on his face was priceless as he began to move faster almost too hard for you to catch up with him now.
You could already tell going to the roller skate rink was going to be a normal for the two of you for now on.

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