Chapter 1

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Yeji sighed as she packs up after a long two hour lecture, her last lecture for the day. She puts her laptop and books in her bag before walking out of the lecture hall.

She exits the building and makes her way out of campus, the brunette goes through the park, wanting nothing more than to go home and bask in the comfort of her warm bed, maybe even take a nap.

As she's walking through the park, a familiar irritating voice calls out to her. Yeji already feels annoyance rising from her chest.

"Yeji! Wait up!" she hears the voice say. Yeji slowly turns around with clenched fists, to be met with an achingly familiar face.

"Yeonjun." Yeji says through gritted teeth.

Yeonjun has been continuously asking out Yeji for months now. Of course, to which the cat eyed girl has clearly responded with no. Every time.

"Hey Yeji, so I was wondering if-" Yeji quickly interrupts the raven haired boy.

"the answer is no Yeonjun." she sighs exasperatedly. It's like no matter how many times she rejects him, he keeps coming back with renewed strength.

"Come on Yeji, it's been months. Not even just one date?" Yeonjun asks, Yeji rubs at the bridge of her nose, trying to hold herself back from yelling at him.

"Yeonjun. I'm not interested. I haven't been, and I won't ever be." Yeji says resolutely. She turns to walk away, hoping he doesn't follow but of course, to Yeji's demise she hears the sound of footsteps following closely from behind her.

"Let me take you on just one date! To prove myself!" he exclaims, Yeji fights the urge to roll her eyes.

Yeonjun really doesn't know when to take a hint. Even with the knowledge that Yeji is severely gay, he still tries.

If it weren't for the current circumstances, Yeji would even applaud his determination.

"Yeonjun how many times do I have to tell you? I'm not interested and I'm gay!" Yeji basically pleads at this point.

Yeonjun goes on a tangent again, the brunette effectively blocks our whatever he has to say and loses herself in her own thoughts.

fuck it.

"Yeonjun!" Yeji interrupts him, he looks at her curiously, waiting for her to speak.

at this point i really don't care about the consequences. i just want him gone.

"I have a girlfriend!" Yeji all but shouts.

Before Yeonjun could even reply, Yeji spots a raven haired girl a few feet away from them then speaks again before her mind could even catch up with her own actions.

"That's actually her over there!" The cat eyed girl points at the girl sitting on a park bench over Yeonjun's shoulder. She's wearing a hat and she's casually scrolling through her phone. Yeji internally cringes at what she's about to drag the innocent bystander into

She promptly walks away from Yeonjun before he can say anything. She eventually reaches the bench and immediately sits down next to the girl, who jolts in surprise at the sudden appearance of someone next to them.

Yeji finally gets a good look at the girl in the eyes and her body goes cold.

Of course.

Of course the universe would so have it that the girl Yeji approached is no other than Shin Ryujin.

Her ex.

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