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"Fuck off carl

"Damn girl you sure are feisty"

Carl and i are childhood friends but ever since hes been in juvie our life has just been getting harder and harder on us its to much on me i started smokeing cigerttes carl got in to drugs and so have i.

Hes changed and so have i and i hate every last bit of it..

I miss when we were just some little not so inocent kids but hey i cant change the past nor the future

"yea whatever anyways are we still smokeing at your house after school

Yea we are


some guy from school shouts


He says while running off

I sigh while grabbing my backpack of my sholder. Looking for my cigerttes and lighter.

I found them bouth i grab a cigertte and out of the pack i put it between my lips and then grab my lighter
And l used it to light my cigertte.

*Beep* i grab my phone out of my pocket .

Who the fuck is dominique.? I ask my self

dominique.__321_ Stay away from carl im warning you

A/n  Heyyy guys im sorry i tool sucha a long break i had to foucus on my mental health but im back and i know the there isnt a lot of people reading this story but if you are tysm YALL are amazing😻💖

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Aug 15, 2022 ⏰

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//South* Side" Hangovers//Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz